How to cope with Interviews?
After coming through all the hurdles of the selection process, you will eventually arrive at an interview. This is of course, a major obstacle for many job applicants. Although they may have the qualifications, experience and a proven track record, they may lose out to a candidate who 'interviews better.'
So what does 'interviewing better' actually mean? It comes down to the candidate being well prepared and confident. A candidate who can answer questions in a way which is acceptable (but not necessarily right) to the interviewer, someone who knows something about their potential employers business and the post they hope to fill. These are really the basic components of any candidate who 'interviews well'. There are undoubtedly other aspects employers may look for in relation to specific posts - having their own ideas, articulate, thinking on their feet, aspects which will be related to the job and to the company's preference in employees.
The employer will also be looking to fill a post, which has a particular job specification - in other words personal aspects besides the experience, and qualifications that can be put down on paper. The interviewer will set out to ascertain that the candidate has these personal qualities, skills and abilities the company requires.
These two essential ingredients are interlinked. Good preparation instils confidence.
So the basic approach to an interview is to be well prepared. This means two things - preparing yourself practically for the interview, and gathering knowledge and information you can draw on during the interview.
Be sure you know the time, date and location of the interview and name of interviewee where appropriate.
Check out how you will get to the location, and when you need to set off to be there in good time - do a dummy run if necessary. Plan to get there no earlier than half an hour before the interview time, anticipate delays.
Have what you are going to wear ready in advance - everything down to your underwear.
Do not go to the interview laden down with baggage - psychological as well as physical.
Take the bare minimum of belongings necessary.
Concentrate on the interview at the interview - nothing else.
If you are asked to bring certificates, references etc, get them ready before the day.
Take your interview letter.
On arrival ensure the receptionist knows you are there, visit the toilets to tidy up etc.
If you are well organised and have planned for the day your confidence will increase.
The interview is a chance for you and the employer to get to know one another. It is NOT the time to get to know about the post or the employers business.
Do gather information about your employer before you are interviewed - what do they do, what are their current projects, what other interests do they have? Ask staff - many companies will offer you the chance to talk about the vacancy with someone, use the opportunity to find out more about the company.
Bigger companies will have PR departments, smaller ones will provide you with some information - libraries can provide information on local business and keep directories of national business. Use the internet - many companies have a presence here now.
Make sure you know what the job entails - get a job description, ask someone in a similar post; ring the company to clarify if unsure.
Remember the employer is interested in you as a person, your experiences and your opinions (in most cases). Do take the time to sit down and think about you, who you are and what you've achieved. It can be highly embarrassing to know more about the employer than yourself.
Sit down with your CV and make notes, about your work record, what you've achieved. Look at yourself as a person in employment - how do you see yourself, what have you done, what ambitions do you have. Make notes and prepare and rehearse sound bites about yourself. Remember that one of the most common of interview questions is 'Tell me about yourself' prepare a sound bite for this in particular, but not a life history. Usually interviewers want to know about personal qualities not achievements - though examples can be included to support your statement.
Interviews vary tremendously, from very informal to formal. However, some questions can be anticipated, as can the subject matter. If you are well prepared, then the majority of problem questions should not arise. You will know about the company, you will know about yourself and you will have a good idea of the demands of the job - these questions will not be a problem to the well prepared interviewee.
A few general rules:
• Speak up when answering questions.
• Answer briefly, but try to avoid yes or no answers.
• Don't worry about pausing before you answer, it shows you can think and are not spitting out the sound bites you learned!
• Don't worry about admitting you don't know - but keep this to a bare minimum.
• Don't embellish answers or lie! Be as honest as possible.
• Be prepared for hypothetical situation questions, take your time on these.
• Be prepared for the unexpected question, that's designed to see how you cope with the unexpected.
• If you ask questions keep them brief during the interview, remember you're the interviewee.
• At the end of the interview ask your questions in an open manner, that is questions which cannot be answered yes or no. E.g. tell me about....? what is....? why.....?
• Thank the interviewers for their time when you leave quietly and calmly, and smile, even if you know hate them.
• There is always the opportunity to ask them questions at the end of the interview - remember the interview is a two way process, you need to be sure you want to join them too!
• Try to concentrate on issues which are both important to you and combine as apparent interest in the company, leave issues like terms and conditions until the very last, even they may feel the most important to you. Write your questions down prior to the interview and take them with you.
Good topics to touch on include:
• The competitive environment in which the organisation operates
• Executive management styles
• What obstacles the organisation anticipates in meeting its goals
• How the organisation's goals have changed over the past three to five years.
Generally, it is most unwise to ask about pay or benefits or other similar areas. The reason is that it tends to make you seem more interested in what the organisation can do for you. It is also not a good idea to simply have no questions at all. Doing so makes you appear passive rather than curious and interested.
Suggested Questions:
• What are the main objectives and responsibilities of the position?
• How does the company expect these objectives to be met?
• What obstacles are commonly encountered in reaching these objectives?
• What is the desired time frame for reaching the objectives?
• What resources are available from the company and what must be found elsewhere to reach the objectives?
Wear what is appropriate for the post and the company. It may vary from smart, formal wear in some instances to very formal dress in others. Try and get an insight into what the company would expect from employees or through observation. What would be appropriate for a building company is very different for a public relations agency.
Be well groomed and clean. Try to look calm and confident, simple things like deodorant can boost your confidence.
Once you are ushered into the interview room there will usually be a short exchange of pleasantries and ice breaking. Don't be fooled by this time - it really is designed to put you at ease in most circumstances, but these initial moments are the most formative - don't go over the top being exceptionally friendly or alternatively going rigid with fear feeling that your handshake was too limp! A pleasant natural smile, a firm handshake and a brief exchange of words in a natural manner of this greeting is sufficient. Some simple, but frequently broken rules!
• Sit comfortably with both feet on the floor, lean slightly towards the interviewer.
• Don't play with your hair or you hands. Keep them out of pockets!
• Try not to create defensive barriers between you and them, like a brief case on your knees, folded arms or crossed legs....even if you feel you need to. It's natural, but your interviewer will not physically attack!
• Maintain natural eye contact with the interviewer - that is maintain eye contact, but don't stare like a snake!
• If there's more than one interviewer, look at who's talking.
• When you're talking, shift your glance from one to the other.
• Don't over use your hands, if you are a natural gesticulator.
• Don't squirm and fidget.
• Do nod and Mmm, to show you're listening to them.
• Above all try to be you, try to be natural, unless you're naturally offensive!
Obeying these rules, will allow the interviewers to concentrate on you, and not what you're doing in the interview. Body language conveys all sorts of messages, and the right body language will convey the message of a well-balanced and confident individual...............even if you're not!
Friday, November 21, 2008
10 signs of unhappy
10 signs that make you unhappy at work!!
How do you know that you are unhappy at work? That something is not right and that it’s time to either make some changes at work or move on to a new job?
In my work, I talk to a lot of people who are not happy with their jobs. Here are the top ten symptoms of unhappiness at work that I have observed. How many apply to you?
1: You procrastinate
You really, honestly try to get some work done. But somehow you never really get around to it. Or you only do it at the last possible moment and then only do a half-baked effort.
Many people view procrastination as a personal weakness. To me, it is one of the strongest warning signs of unhappiness at work.
2: You spend Sunday night worrying about Monday morning
“I never sleep on Sunday night very well because I’m worried about going to work on Monday morning. My job is very stressful and you kind of have to gear up for Monday and getting back into that.” (source)
One of the worst things about being unhappy at work is that the unhappiness bleeds over into your free time. If you have had a lousy day at work, it is difficult to go home and have a great evening. If your week sucked, it is hard to have a fun, relaxed, carefree weekend.
3: You’re really competitive about salary and titles
You don’t like the job itself, so you focus much more on salary and perks. Knowing that someone in a similar position is paid more than you, or is promoted when you’re not, really eats at you.
When we are unhappy at work we get a lot more competitive, for one simple reason: When work doesn’t give us happiness and enjoyment we want to get something else out of it. And what else is there but compensation and promotions.
4: You don’t feel like helping co-workers
Your colleagues may be struggling. But you don’t really feel like lending a hand. Why should you?
One very interesting psychological study started by putting subjects in either a good mood or a bad mood. They were then asked to go down the hall to another room where the experiment would continue. In the hallway the real experiment took place - the subjects passed a man holding a big box struggling to open a door. Would the subject help that person? The experiment showed, that when we are in a bad mood, we are much less likely to help others.
5: Work days feel looooong
The first thing you do in the morning, is calculate the number of hours until you can go home.
Ironically, this makes the work day feel even longer.
6: You have no friends at work
Friends at work? They are mostly all jerks anyway.
Gallup have found in their studies of workplace engagement, that one of the strongest factors that predict happiness at work is having at least one close friend at work.
7: You don’t care. About anything.
Things can go well or they can go badly for your workplace. Either way, you do not really give a damn.
When you are unhappy, you care mostly about yourself and not so much about the workplace.
8: Small things bug you
Small annoyances bug you out of all proportion. Like someone taking up too much space in the parking lot, someone taking the last coffee without brewing a new pot or someone talking too loudly in the next cubicle.
When you are unhappy you have much thinner skin and a shorter fuse. It takes a lot less to annoy you.
9: You’re suspicious of other people’s motives
No matter what people do, your fist thought is “what are they up to?” Good or bad, big or small, all decisions and actions made by your co-workers and managers are seen in this light.
Studies show that we are also more suspicious of others when we are unhappy.
10: Physical symptoms
You suffer from insomnia, headaches, low energy, muscle tension and/or other physical symptoms.
Studies show that when you are unhappy at work you are more prone to experience these physical stress symptoms.
How do you know that you are unhappy at work? That something is not right and that it’s time to either make some changes at work or move on to a new job?
In my work, I talk to a lot of people who are not happy with their jobs. Here are the top ten symptoms of unhappiness at work that I have observed. How many apply to you?
1: You procrastinate
You really, honestly try to get some work done. But somehow you never really get around to it. Or you only do it at the last possible moment and then only do a half-baked effort.
Many people view procrastination as a personal weakness. To me, it is one of the strongest warning signs of unhappiness at work.
2: You spend Sunday night worrying about Monday morning
“I never sleep on Sunday night very well because I’m worried about going to work on Monday morning. My job is very stressful and you kind of have to gear up for Monday and getting back into that.” (source)
One of the worst things about being unhappy at work is that the unhappiness bleeds over into your free time. If you have had a lousy day at work, it is difficult to go home and have a great evening. If your week sucked, it is hard to have a fun, relaxed, carefree weekend.
3: You’re really competitive about salary and titles
You don’t like the job itself, so you focus much more on salary and perks. Knowing that someone in a similar position is paid more than you, or is promoted when you’re not, really eats at you.
When we are unhappy at work we get a lot more competitive, for one simple reason: When work doesn’t give us happiness and enjoyment we want to get something else out of it. And what else is there but compensation and promotions.
4: You don’t feel like helping co-workers
Your colleagues may be struggling. But you don’t really feel like lending a hand. Why should you?
One very interesting psychological study started by putting subjects in either a good mood or a bad mood. They were then asked to go down the hall to another room where the experiment would continue. In the hallway the real experiment took place - the subjects passed a man holding a big box struggling to open a door. Would the subject help that person? The experiment showed, that when we are in a bad mood, we are much less likely to help others.
5: Work days feel looooong
The first thing you do in the morning, is calculate the number of hours until you can go home.
Ironically, this makes the work day feel even longer.
6: You have no friends at work
Friends at work? They are mostly all jerks anyway.
Gallup have found in their studies of workplace engagement, that one of the strongest factors that predict happiness at work is having at least one close friend at work.
7: You don’t care. About anything.
Things can go well or they can go badly for your workplace. Either way, you do not really give a damn.
When you are unhappy, you care mostly about yourself and not so much about the workplace.
8: Small things bug you
Small annoyances bug you out of all proportion. Like someone taking up too much space in the parking lot, someone taking the last coffee without brewing a new pot or someone talking too loudly in the next cubicle.
When you are unhappy you have much thinner skin and a shorter fuse. It takes a lot less to annoy you.
9: You’re suspicious of other people’s motives
No matter what people do, your fist thought is “what are they up to?” Good or bad, big or small, all decisions and actions made by your co-workers and managers are seen in this light.
Studies show that we are also more suspicious of others when we are unhappy.
10: Physical symptoms
You suffer from insomnia, headaches, low energy, muscle tension and/or other physical symptoms.
Studies show that when you are unhappy at work you are more prone to experience these physical stress symptoms.
negotiate urbenefits?
How to negotiate your benefits?
Courtsey:Linda Jenkins,
Did you know that you may be able to negotiate some of your benefits? Even though companies put fixed policies on most benefits, some benefits are negotiable -- and sometimes, all you have to do is ask.
The Most Common Variables
Signing bonus. If a company wants you badly enough or can't meet your salary demands, it might sweeten the deal by offering you a signing bonus, a one-time payment that doesn't increase the base salary on which everything else is calculated. A signing bonus is a good-faith demonstration that the company agrees you're worth more than the job pays.
You can even ask for a signing bonus during the salary negotiation. Word your question something like, "What's the signing bonus for this position?" rather than "Is there a signing bonus for this position?" But remember, signing bonuses are taxed as regular income, so that's something to keep in mind as you settle on a figure.
Vacation time. Sometimes you can get more than the standard time going into the job.
Extra time away (paid or unpaid). You can also request extra paid or unpaid leave for a preplanned trip, for artistic or volunteer work, or a reasonable personal reason. And of course, you should get time away for service in the Armed Forces and for jury duty.
The List Continues
At the end of your first interview, especially with an employment person, ask about benefits. Negotiate with the hiring manager. But the best place to get complete information about the benefits package is from the human resources (HR) person. In addition to health coverage and vacation time, traditional benefits could include sick time, short- and long-term disability, life insurance, AD&D (accidental death and dismemberment) insurance, survivor income, stock options, retirement plans, and more.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. You may want to know how long the waiting periods for various benefits are. How long before you can participate in the 401(k) or other retirement plan? What's the company match on the 401(k)? When are you fully vested? What kind of health care benefits are there (HMO, PPO, indemnity plan)? Watch out for pre-existing conditions. For example, if you have a child with diabetes, many plans won't cover the child for at least six months, if ever. If that's the case, you'd want to negotiate something else to cover the expenses.
You can also use a benefits calculator to get a good idea of the value of your benefits.
If having super health care benefits (dental, vision, prescription coverage, etc.) is important and the company doesn't have them, that could be a deal-breaker for you. On the other hand, some companies have "cafeteria plans," which let you choose what benefits to pay for. Maybe, for example, you can opt out of life insurance and pick up three extra days of vacation.
Wait, There's More!
What other benefits would seriously interest you? You should be able to participate in networking sessions and professional associations, attend conferences, and receive additional training and other opportunities for professional growth. Some companies offer subsidized daycare, emergency daycare, a fitness center, flexible hours with telecommuting, sabbaticals, or valet service for dry cleaning or groceries.
Startups, those caffeine havens, are fond of stocking the refrigerator with soft drinks and offering bottomless cups of coffee. Wednesday might even be pizza day. But you'll probably have to wait until your first hump day on the job to negotiate for extra cheese.
Courtsey:Linda Jenkins,
Did you know that you may be able to negotiate some of your benefits? Even though companies put fixed policies on most benefits, some benefits are negotiable -- and sometimes, all you have to do is ask.
The Most Common Variables
Signing bonus. If a company wants you badly enough or can't meet your salary demands, it might sweeten the deal by offering you a signing bonus, a one-time payment that doesn't increase the base salary on which everything else is calculated. A signing bonus is a good-faith demonstration that the company agrees you're worth more than the job pays.
You can even ask for a signing bonus during the salary negotiation. Word your question something like, "What's the signing bonus for this position?" rather than "Is there a signing bonus for this position?" But remember, signing bonuses are taxed as regular income, so that's something to keep in mind as you settle on a figure.
Vacation time. Sometimes you can get more than the standard time going into the job.
Extra time away (paid or unpaid). You can also request extra paid or unpaid leave for a preplanned trip, for artistic or volunteer work, or a reasonable personal reason. And of course, you should get time away for service in the Armed Forces and for jury duty.
The List Continues
At the end of your first interview, especially with an employment person, ask about benefits. Negotiate with the hiring manager. But the best place to get complete information about the benefits package is from the human resources (HR) person. In addition to health coverage and vacation time, traditional benefits could include sick time, short- and long-term disability, life insurance, AD&D (accidental death and dismemberment) insurance, survivor income, stock options, retirement plans, and more.
Don't be afraid to ask questions. You may want to know how long the waiting periods for various benefits are. How long before you can participate in the 401(k) or other retirement plan? What's the company match on the 401(k)? When are you fully vested? What kind of health care benefits are there (HMO, PPO, indemnity plan)? Watch out for pre-existing conditions. For example, if you have a child with diabetes, many plans won't cover the child for at least six months, if ever. If that's the case, you'd want to negotiate something else to cover the expenses.
You can also use a benefits calculator to get a good idea of the value of your benefits.
If having super health care benefits (dental, vision, prescription coverage, etc.) is important and the company doesn't have them, that could be a deal-breaker for you. On the other hand, some companies have "cafeteria plans," which let you choose what benefits to pay for. Maybe, for example, you can opt out of life insurance and pick up three extra days of vacation.
Wait, There's More!
What other benefits would seriously interest you? You should be able to participate in networking sessions and professional associations, attend conferences, and receive additional training and other opportunities for professional growth. Some companies offer subsidized daycare, emergency daycare, a fitness center, flexible hours with telecommuting, sabbaticals, or valet service for dry cleaning or groceries.
Startups, those caffeine havens, are fond of stocking the refrigerator with soft drinks and offering bottomless cups of coffee. Wednesday might even be pizza day. But you'll probably have to wait until your first hump day on the job to negotiate for extra cheese.
Manage old p-ple
Managing Older Subordinates!!
It requires a balance of maturity, diplomacy and assertion
How many times have you wondered what subordinates, who are senior to you in age, think of you? With a younger workforce at many leadership positions, it is now also a part of the Indian corporate culture to have older people report to a younger boss. In a country where age is revered, respected and rarely defied, this phenomenon puts the younger boss in a tricky position!
Motivating and managing older people, requires a balance of maturity, diplomacy and assertion. Inherent resentment towards a young confident supervisor, inability to take instructions from someone who is half their age, competitive feelings, etc are complex emotions that influence the older workforce in their interaction with their superior.
In India, familial cultures tend to replicate themselves in the workplace. There are no written rules on culture, but in general, a boss is looked upon as the older sibling/patriarch, whose knowledge and capability is greater than his subordinates. Managers like to look up to their bosses but many a times it is hard to concede to someone younger in age.
It is not sufficient to have a title and authority to get your managers to work with you. An older workforce has to feel wanted, needs recognition and does not like to be constantly reminded that a younger person is monitoring his performance! Here are some ideas to help you get by in dealing with an older subordinate:
1. Don't be self-conscious, be aware: Treat older employees the same way you do your younger employees. However, remember that your 57-year old employee's needs and reference points are different from that of the 37-year olds.
2. Be clear: Do not leave ambiguous instructions assuming that they have years of experience and will know what to do. Giving them, explicit explanations of your expectations of them should not be construed as slighting their experience, but a method of managing business needs.
3. Show respect for their experience: Give the older employee credit for his expertise. Show respect for your older managers' experiences and leverage it to benefit the team. They may not have grown in management cadres, but they do have a treasure of knowledge, practice and familiarity with tasks that can help you be more efficient.
4. Retrain: After a certain age, it may be arduous to upgrade basic skill sets. But your older employees need not be stuck doing the job they have been doing for years. Help them gain new capabilities. You will be surprised at how quickly some of them adapt and learn.
5. Empathise with their situation: Sometimes it is difficult to relate to a person's viewpoint if one has not yet experienced that stage of life. Be patient and understanding of their issues and challenges. Talk to them freely to appreciate their problems.
6. Alter your motivational strategy: Think of what motivates your older employees and use those to egg them on. A seasoned manager may have a completely different set of motivators compared to the younger one and good leadership must be sensitive to this.
7. Don't be "the boss": Do not waste time positioning yourself as the superior. You will gain acceptance if your business/unit does well and they enjoy your leadership. Do not wield your power and authority to remind them who you are!
8. Recognise their issues: Older employees face problems and have personal situations that are not the same as those of younger managers. Gestures like giving time off for health checkups or helping them for their children's wedding go a long way in enhancing the relationship.
9. Develop internal coaches: Older employees can be good mentors to younger managers. Use their knowledge and understanding of the organisational processes, history and culture as guiding forces for a new generation.
It requires a balance of maturity, diplomacy and assertion
How many times have you wondered what subordinates, who are senior to you in age, think of you? With a younger workforce at many leadership positions, it is now also a part of the Indian corporate culture to have older people report to a younger boss. In a country where age is revered, respected and rarely defied, this phenomenon puts the younger boss in a tricky position!
Motivating and managing older people, requires a balance of maturity, diplomacy and assertion. Inherent resentment towards a young confident supervisor, inability to take instructions from someone who is half their age, competitive feelings, etc are complex emotions that influence the older workforce in their interaction with their superior.
In India, familial cultures tend to replicate themselves in the workplace. There are no written rules on culture, but in general, a boss is looked upon as the older sibling/patriarch, whose knowledge and capability is greater than his subordinates. Managers like to look up to their bosses but many a times it is hard to concede to someone younger in age.
It is not sufficient to have a title and authority to get your managers to work with you. An older workforce has to feel wanted, needs recognition and does not like to be constantly reminded that a younger person is monitoring his performance! Here are some ideas to help you get by in dealing with an older subordinate:
1. Don't be self-conscious, be aware: Treat older employees the same way you do your younger employees. However, remember that your 57-year old employee's needs and reference points are different from that of the 37-year olds.
2. Be clear: Do not leave ambiguous instructions assuming that they have years of experience and will know what to do. Giving them, explicit explanations of your expectations of them should not be construed as slighting their experience, but a method of managing business needs.
3. Show respect for their experience: Give the older employee credit for his expertise. Show respect for your older managers' experiences and leverage it to benefit the team. They may not have grown in management cadres, but they do have a treasure of knowledge, practice and familiarity with tasks that can help you be more efficient.
4. Retrain: After a certain age, it may be arduous to upgrade basic skill sets. But your older employees need not be stuck doing the job they have been doing for years. Help them gain new capabilities. You will be surprised at how quickly some of them adapt and learn.
5. Empathise with their situation: Sometimes it is difficult to relate to a person's viewpoint if one has not yet experienced that stage of life. Be patient and understanding of their issues and challenges. Talk to them freely to appreciate their problems.
6. Alter your motivational strategy: Think of what motivates your older employees and use those to egg them on. A seasoned manager may have a completely different set of motivators compared to the younger one and good leadership must be sensitive to this.
7. Don't be "the boss": Do not waste time positioning yourself as the superior. You will gain acceptance if your business/unit does well and they enjoy your leadership. Do not wield your power and authority to remind them who you are!
8. Recognise their issues: Older employees face problems and have personal situations that are not the same as those of younger managers. Gestures like giving time off for health checkups or helping them for their children's wedding go a long way in enhancing the relationship.
9. Develop internal coaches: Older employees can be good mentors to younger managers. Use their knowledge and understanding of the organisational processes, history and culture as guiding forces for a new generation.
Transfer of Skills
Transfer of Skills::Career Shift!!
A 52 year old General Manager, Quality Assurance, working in an engineering company, is frustrated with his job. He has worked in this industry for 30 years with multinational and Indian companies. He sees no future for himself in his present job because the next job is that of production head and he has no experience in manufacturing management. Besides, his boss is young and will remain in that role for a few more years. The company has no job that would utilise his skills; this means he will do the same work until he retires. However, when he applies for jobs in the same sector, he does not get a better role profile nor is he able to command a significantly higher salary. The sector barely has any good companies to look forward for employment. What can he do to retrain within a short time and explore options in another industry? He is worried that his expertise and competencies have become obsolete.
This situation is common for many people who have gained all their experience and knowledge in a particular domain. As the corporate world evolves, making rapid shifts in the way businesses are managed, skill sets run the risk of redundancy. There are several ways of assessing whether your skills have become outdated. You can overcome barriers to professional growth, if you carefully recognise that your abilities have a place in different contexts. Search answers to the following questions:
1. Is it that the nature of your job or the industry that has changed? -
Answer this question carefully. Businesses are cyclical and often it is not your abilities that need to be altered, but the industry that you are in that requires a switch. Some characteristics of conventional jobs are usually imperative for management. However, services and products undergo technology changes and these are interpreted as complete revision of business requirements. Ask if it is the job that is not needed anymore or whether there is a difference in the method of carrying out the same job.
2. Why you are not aiming higher? -
If the next job requires you to manage multiple areas, you could aim to achieve that by training on the job and grooming yourself to take that role! If your superior's role is significantly broader than yours, try working towards it and obtain training and experience in that direction. Allow yourself to be groomed to assume larger responsibilities.
3. Is it possible for you to move from pure functional development to well trained talent?-
As professionals in hectic operational roles, we tend to focus on our functional capabilities, not realising that business management and leadership are an integral part of any function. While honing skills in specific areas of your specialisation, it is important to nurture managerial capabilities that can be leveraged.
4. Can you focus on applicability and not specificity of your capabilities? -
Do not restrict your abilities to particular jobs or industries. Use your skills in different ways and apply them to another scenario. For example, quality is a function that is required in sectors other than manufacturing such as telecom, BPO and even healthcare. Do not get bogged down just because your exposure is limited to a specific domain. Identify other areas that could also utilise your potential and experience.
A 52 year old General Manager, Quality Assurance, working in an engineering company, is frustrated with his job. He has worked in this industry for 30 years with multinational and Indian companies. He sees no future for himself in his present job because the next job is that of production head and he has no experience in manufacturing management. Besides, his boss is young and will remain in that role for a few more years. The company has no job that would utilise his skills; this means he will do the same work until he retires. However, when he applies for jobs in the same sector, he does not get a better role profile nor is he able to command a significantly higher salary. The sector barely has any good companies to look forward for employment. What can he do to retrain within a short time and explore options in another industry? He is worried that his expertise and competencies have become obsolete.
This situation is common for many people who have gained all their experience and knowledge in a particular domain. As the corporate world evolves, making rapid shifts in the way businesses are managed, skill sets run the risk of redundancy. There are several ways of assessing whether your skills have become outdated. You can overcome barriers to professional growth, if you carefully recognise that your abilities have a place in different contexts. Search answers to the following questions:
1. Is it that the nature of your job or the industry that has changed? -
Answer this question carefully. Businesses are cyclical and often it is not your abilities that need to be altered, but the industry that you are in that requires a switch. Some characteristics of conventional jobs are usually imperative for management. However, services and products undergo technology changes and these are interpreted as complete revision of business requirements. Ask if it is the job that is not needed anymore or whether there is a difference in the method of carrying out the same job.
2. Why you are not aiming higher? -
If the next job requires you to manage multiple areas, you could aim to achieve that by training on the job and grooming yourself to take that role! If your superior's role is significantly broader than yours, try working towards it and obtain training and experience in that direction. Allow yourself to be groomed to assume larger responsibilities.
3. Is it possible for you to move from pure functional development to well trained talent?-
As professionals in hectic operational roles, we tend to focus on our functional capabilities, not realising that business management and leadership are an integral part of any function. While honing skills in specific areas of your specialisation, it is important to nurture managerial capabilities that can be leveraged.
4. Can you focus on applicability and not specificity of your capabilities? -
Do not restrict your abilities to particular jobs or industries. Use your skills in different ways and apply them to another scenario. For example, quality is a function that is required in sectors other than manufacturing such as telecom, BPO and even healthcare. Do not get bogged down just because your exposure is limited to a specific domain. Identify other areas that could also utilise your potential and experience.
Building emp brand
Building an employment brand: Responsibilities of a HR executive
A great work place is where each one of us wants to find ourselves in. But which is the right place? Your prospective employee will also have this question in his mind. If you want your company name to pop up in his mind, get ready, you have a great deal of work to do - Build an employment brand for your company.
Employee brand is a relatively new coinage but definitely a critical factor, which will help you resolve most of your recruitment hardships. It is all about being a company where people will want to work. And definitely stressing on literally "being a company where people want to work", because unless you have a great workplace you cannot create such an image.
How can a good employment brand help me as a HR?
You will surely love it if you do not have to struggle in convincing your prospective employees about the positives of joining your company, right? Having a brand image as a good employer will help you:
• Keep ahead in the talent war
• Attract and induce the right kind of people you are looking for
• Enhance your ability to get quality resumes to choose from
• Retain your existing employee pool
• Subsequently see a dip in employee turnover
How can I help in building the company brand?
Being in the HR space, you have the most potential to drive the company towards building its brand. Perhaps you should be the spearhead of this project. Before you start, remember that building a brand cannot happen overnight. It is a long term strategy which needs a complete relook at the way your organization works.
So, where do I start? Once you get your top management convinced about your strategy, go ahead with setting your brand objective. Be clear as to what is the employment brand image that you want to achieve. This is the first step and you proceed with your internal strategies and slowly move into external promotional activities.
Encourage your senior management to support best practices in HR :
Value, vision and practice have to start with the key strategy players - the top management. Get their support to implement best HR practices in your organization and you are sure you can head start to create a great work place.
Build a great work place :
If salary is not the only measure of good work place anymore, then what are employees looking for?
• Freedom of work
• Good work culture
• Leadership opportunity
• Recognition for good work
• Learning and career growth
• Flexibility of timings
• Challenges and responsibilities
• Job Security
• Good work life and social life balance
In simple terms, be a good employer and give your employees the maximum reasons to reject another job offer and stay on with you.
Most valuable! Make your employees speak good about you :
Make them feel good and they'll speak good. There is nothing like a satisfied employee who spreads the goodwill of the company by word of mouth. He is speaking from his experience and he is the best brand ambassador you can find.
Help your company develop a space in the recruitment industry :
While calling for resumes, word your advertisement in such a way that you build your company brand on terms of credibility and employee welfare.
Create a public image through PR :
Public relations can help you build a credible brand image through newspapers reports and magazines. Getting listed in those 'best employers' surveys will add a lot of value.
Online strategies like press releases, newsletters, articles are also a powerful media for spreading the word of your company. Have you considered writing for blogs? You can yourself take up the PR job by blogging about your company and its HR strategies. Also make the best out your corporate website.
A great work place is where each one of us wants to find ourselves in. But which is the right place? Your prospective employee will also have this question in his mind. If you want your company name to pop up in his mind, get ready, you have a great deal of work to do - Build an employment brand for your company.
Employee brand is a relatively new coinage but definitely a critical factor, which will help you resolve most of your recruitment hardships. It is all about being a company where people will want to work. And definitely stressing on literally "being a company where people want to work", because unless you have a great workplace you cannot create such an image.
How can a good employment brand help me as a HR?
You will surely love it if you do not have to struggle in convincing your prospective employees about the positives of joining your company, right? Having a brand image as a good employer will help you:
• Keep ahead in the talent war
• Attract and induce the right kind of people you are looking for
• Enhance your ability to get quality resumes to choose from
• Retain your existing employee pool
• Subsequently see a dip in employee turnover
How can I help in building the company brand?
Being in the HR space, you have the most potential to drive the company towards building its brand. Perhaps you should be the spearhead of this project. Before you start, remember that building a brand cannot happen overnight. It is a long term strategy which needs a complete relook at the way your organization works.
So, where do I start? Once you get your top management convinced about your strategy, go ahead with setting your brand objective. Be clear as to what is the employment brand image that you want to achieve. This is the first step and you proceed with your internal strategies and slowly move into external promotional activities.
Encourage your senior management to support best practices in HR :
Value, vision and practice have to start with the key strategy players - the top management. Get their support to implement best HR practices in your organization and you are sure you can head start to create a great work place.
Build a great work place :
If salary is not the only measure of good work place anymore, then what are employees looking for?
• Freedom of work
• Good work culture
• Leadership opportunity
• Recognition for good work
• Learning and career growth
• Flexibility of timings
• Challenges and responsibilities
• Job Security
• Good work life and social life balance
In simple terms, be a good employer and give your employees the maximum reasons to reject another job offer and stay on with you.
Most valuable! Make your employees speak good about you :
Make them feel good and they'll speak good. There is nothing like a satisfied employee who spreads the goodwill of the company by word of mouth. He is speaking from his experience and he is the best brand ambassador you can find.
Help your company develop a space in the recruitment industry :
While calling for resumes, word your advertisement in such a way that you build your company brand on terms of credibility and employee welfare.
Create a public image through PR :
Public relations can help you build a credible brand image through newspapers reports and magazines. Getting listed in those 'best employers' surveys will add a lot of value.
Online strategies like press releases, newsletters, articles are also a powerful media for spreading the word of your company. Have you considered writing for blogs? You can yourself take up the PR job by blogging about your company and its HR strategies. Also make the best out your corporate website.
Productivity factors
5 Factors That Affect Your Employee's Productivity
1. Attitude Is Everything
Happy employees are productive employees. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a consulting firm to figure that one out. Negative attitudes can torpedo employee productivity much faster than nonstop basketball being streamed over the Web.
“An employee with a positive attitude usually enjoys the work that they do and feels empowered and recognized for their contributions,” said Henning. “An employee that is complacent and does not really enjoy their work, but is simply there for a paycheck usually does not produce at a high level, develops a bad attitude and generally drags a team down.”
2. Boss Is the Barrier
How can you improve employee productivity when the boss stinks? A recent poll found that, among other things, an employee’s productivity is determined by their relationship with their immediate supervisor. When the bad boss fails to keep promises, never gives credit when due, makes negative comments, or blames others for their mistakes, the productivity level of their employees is significantly impacted.
“A poor supervisor is definitely the No. 1 factor that causes low productivity,” said Barry L. Brown, President of a Florida-based consulting group. “It’s been my experience that a good supervisor will motivate, inspire, encourage and reward good performance. A poor supervisor, of course, is just the opposite, only in multiples. Employees who do not have a direct connection with the company begin to lose all the reasons for wanting to do that little bit extra and take the additional time to make something right.”
3. Productivity: In Sickness and in Health
Health concerns, naturally, are a big drain on an employee’s ability to be productive, and companies know it. At the SHRM Conference and Exposition last June in Washington, D.C., a survey showed that 85 percent of U.S. employers said they were interested in services to increase employee productivity, minimize absences and enhance the health of their employees.
Estimates show that 18 to 20 million American adults age 19 to 64 are not working due to a disability or chronic disease, or are not working because of health reasons. Roughly 69 million workers reported missing days due to illness last year, for a total of 407 million days of lost time at work.
Along these same lines, nearly 40 percent of U.S. workers experience fatigue, according to a study in the January “Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.” Researchers noted that the effects of fatigue, most related to a wide range of physical and mental health problems, on health-related lost productive time is not just absenteeism but also days the employee is at work and is performing at less than full capacity because of health reasons. For U.S. employers, fatigue carries overall estimated costs of more than $136 billion per year in health-related lost productivity, $101 billion more than for workers without fatigue. Eighty-four percent of the costs were related to reduced performance while at work, rather than absences.
4. It’s the Tech Tools, Stupid
All the feel-good, psychological methods of improving employee productivity are great, but they’re useless without the right tools. And the right tools mean the right technology. For an employee to be efficient and productive in today’s job environment means equipping employees with the right gear. Companies that don’t upgrade or ignore the necessity for tech tools like PCs, Blackberries, cell phones and other 21st century tools, run the risk of diminished employee productivity.
Intel, the world’s largest semi-conductor maker, found that wireless notebook PC users increased their productivity by 100 hours per year. They studied the work habits and productivity of more than 100 Intel employees who were upgraded to wireless notebooks and found a gain of more than two hours per week, more than paying for the cost of the upgrades in the first year. They also found that when workers were able to control more of their time, that productivity increased as well.
5. Downsizing and Outsourcing Morale
Ever vigilant of saving a buck and satisfying Wall Street, corporate America has turned to cutting corners by downsizing and outsourcing. Simply put, downsizing expensive labor while outsourcing a cheaper version. For employees remaining in those offices and factories, their morale and motivation can take a big hit. Translation: Will the moves to save money be contradicted by a loss in productivity from disgruntled employees? In most cases, employers fail to recognize that if they downsize or outsource, they need to provide support to the employees that remain. The psychological impact on employees can directly impact productivity, forcing many to focus on their second careers instead of the job at hand.
1. Attitude Is Everything
Happy employees are productive employees. And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist or a consulting firm to figure that one out. Negative attitudes can torpedo employee productivity much faster than nonstop basketball being streamed over the Web.
“An employee with a positive attitude usually enjoys the work that they do and feels empowered and recognized for their contributions,” said Henning. “An employee that is complacent and does not really enjoy their work, but is simply there for a paycheck usually does not produce at a high level, develops a bad attitude and generally drags a team down.”
2. Boss Is the Barrier
How can you improve employee productivity when the boss stinks? A recent poll found that, among other things, an employee’s productivity is determined by their relationship with their immediate supervisor. When the bad boss fails to keep promises, never gives credit when due, makes negative comments, or blames others for their mistakes, the productivity level of their employees is significantly impacted.
“A poor supervisor is definitely the No. 1 factor that causes low productivity,” said Barry L. Brown, President of a Florida-based consulting group. “It’s been my experience that a good supervisor will motivate, inspire, encourage and reward good performance. A poor supervisor, of course, is just the opposite, only in multiples. Employees who do not have a direct connection with the company begin to lose all the reasons for wanting to do that little bit extra and take the additional time to make something right.”
3. Productivity: In Sickness and in Health
Health concerns, naturally, are a big drain on an employee’s ability to be productive, and companies know it. At the SHRM Conference and Exposition last June in Washington, D.C., a survey showed that 85 percent of U.S. employers said they were interested in services to increase employee productivity, minimize absences and enhance the health of their employees.
Estimates show that 18 to 20 million American adults age 19 to 64 are not working due to a disability or chronic disease, or are not working because of health reasons. Roughly 69 million workers reported missing days due to illness last year, for a total of 407 million days of lost time at work.
Along these same lines, nearly 40 percent of U.S. workers experience fatigue, according to a study in the January “Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.” Researchers noted that the effects of fatigue, most related to a wide range of physical and mental health problems, on health-related lost productive time is not just absenteeism but also days the employee is at work and is performing at less than full capacity because of health reasons. For U.S. employers, fatigue carries overall estimated costs of more than $136 billion per year in health-related lost productivity, $101 billion more than for workers without fatigue. Eighty-four percent of the costs were related to reduced performance while at work, rather than absences.
4. It’s the Tech Tools, Stupid
All the feel-good, psychological methods of improving employee productivity are great, but they’re useless without the right tools. And the right tools mean the right technology. For an employee to be efficient and productive in today’s job environment means equipping employees with the right gear. Companies that don’t upgrade or ignore the necessity for tech tools like PCs, Blackberries, cell phones and other 21st century tools, run the risk of diminished employee productivity.
Intel, the world’s largest semi-conductor maker, found that wireless notebook PC users increased their productivity by 100 hours per year. They studied the work habits and productivity of more than 100 Intel employees who were upgraded to wireless notebooks and found a gain of more than two hours per week, more than paying for the cost of the upgrades in the first year. They also found that when workers were able to control more of their time, that productivity increased as well.
5. Downsizing and Outsourcing Morale
Ever vigilant of saving a buck and satisfying Wall Street, corporate America has turned to cutting corners by downsizing and outsourcing. Simply put, downsizing expensive labor while outsourcing a cheaper version. For employees remaining in those offices and factories, their morale and motivation can take a big hit. Translation: Will the moves to save money be contradicted by a loss in productivity from disgruntled employees? In most cases, employers fail to recognize that if they downsize or outsource, they need to provide support to the employees that remain. The psychological impact on employees can directly impact productivity, forcing many to focus on their second careers instead of the job at hand.
Questions 4 Leaders
Questions for Leaders at the end of each Quarter of A Year
When a quarter ends business leaders at all levels will spend the next few days or weeks collecting financial results and reporting on them.
Will all those reports help you manage your business? Hopefully they will be of some help. They might not be enough, though. Here are some additional questions you might want to ask yourself in order to help you turbo charge the next quarter.
Questions About You
What significant contribution did you make to your organization in the last three months? I suggest writing a PAR (Problem-Actions-Results) statement for each of your significant contributions, and pasting it into your resume for future reference. Do it now before you forget what you accomplished.
What new skills did you learn in the last three months? What did you read?
How many new contacts did you make in the last three months? How have you followed up with them? How have you maintained contact with the rest of your network?
What feedback have you received about your leadership skills?
How many times did you get out at the "coal face" - where your team is actually delivering service to customers or making widgets?
What did you do for your mental and physical health this quarter?
What did you do to improve your on-line brand over the last three months? When you google yourself, what do you find?
What does all of that imply for your second quarter self-development plan?
Questions About Your Team
How many times did you give feedback to each of your employees?
How would you rate the results of each of your employees so far this year? Have you shared those ratings with them (you should)?
What progress has each employee made on her development plan this year?
Which employees are over-delivering and may need additional challenges?
Which employees are having trouble and need help (or to be re-assigned)?
What does all of that imply for your second quarter team development plan?
Questions About Your Customers
How many customers did you visit with in the past three months?
What are your customers saying about your product/service and what are you doing about it?
Where are you gaining market share and price?
Where are you losing market share, or sacrificing price?
What does all of that imply for your second quarter market plan?
Questions About Your Business (Or Your Part Of The Business)
What are the trends for gross margin, operating margin, days sales in inventory, days sales outstanding and days payable outstanding?
What is the trend in waste?
What changes are you facing? Are they major or minor? Are they short term or long term? If long term and major, how have you revised your plans to cope with the changes?
What went well in the last three months, and what did you learn from the success?
What went poorly in the last three months, and what did you learn from the failure?
What are the key opportunities and problems you must fix in the coming three months?
What are the key questions you need to answer in the next three months?
What does all of that imply for your second quarter business plan.
When a quarter ends business leaders at all levels will spend the next few days or weeks collecting financial results and reporting on them.
Will all those reports help you manage your business? Hopefully they will be of some help. They might not be enough, though. Here are some additional questions you might want to ask yourself in order to help you turbo charge the next quarter.
Questions About You
What significant contribution did you make to your organization in the last three months? I suggest writing a PAR (Problem-Actions-Results) statement for each of your significant contributions, and pasting it into your resume for future reference. Do it now before you forget what you accomplished.
What new skills did you learn in the last three months? What did you read?
How many new contacts did you make in the last three months? How have you followed up with them? How have you maintained contact with the rest of your network?
What feedback have you received about your leadership skills?
How many times did you get out at the "coal face" - where your team is actually delivering service to customers or making widgets?
What did you do for your mental and physical health this quarter?
What did you do to improve your on-line brand over the last three months? When you google yourself, what do you find?
What does all of that imply for your second quarter self-development plan?
Questions About Your Team
How many times did you give feedback to each of your employees?
How would you rate the results of each of your employees so far this year? Have you shared those ratings with them (you should)?
What progress has each employee made on her development plan this year?
Which employees are over-delivering and may need additional challenges?
Which employees are having trouble and need help (or to be re-assigned)?
What does all of that imply for your second quarter team development plan?
Questions About Your Customers
How many customers did you visit with in the past three months?
What are your customers saying about your product/service and what are you doing about it?
Where are you gaining market share and price?
Where are you losing market share, or sacrificing price?
What does all of that imply for your second quarter market plan?
Questions About Your Business (Or Your Part Of The Business)
What are the trends for gross margin, operating margin, days sales in inventory, days sales outstanding and days payable outstanding?
What is the trend in waste?
What changes are you facing? Are they major or minor? Are they short term or long term? If long term and major, how have you revised your plans to cope with the changes?
What went well in the last three months, and what did you learn from the success?
What went poorly in the last three months, and what did you learn from the failure?
What are the key opportunities and problems you must fix in the coming three months?
What are the key questions you need to answer in the next three months?
What does all of that imply for your second quarter business plan.
Plan ur Career
How To Plan Your Career?
Career Planning is a long process, which begins right from the time one starts visiting school. Choosing a job that will suit you best depend on a number of factors, beginning with your interest and what you enjoy most. This is most important since there is no point working if; you do not enjoy the work you are doing. Secondly, it is also important to know what you wish to achieve in future. Setting prior goals is essential as this is what is going to motivate you in attaining results at the earliest.
The initial few years of your career are the most crucial period. It is during this phase that you realize which will be the perfect job for you. Counsellors also suggest that one should keep experimenting with a variety of profiles during this period to see where the interest actually lies. The career planning cycle has been broken into four stages that help in evaluating your position and take you to your desired position. The four stages are as follows:
Where you are? Where can you be? How can you be there? Are you actually getting there?
Let's now study these four stages and see what they actually mean.
The first step in career planning is self-assessment. To find out 'Where you are' placed and why you are in the position. Once you start evaluating your position you will know how focused or lost you are. And accordingly, you will also know how to refocus on your goals and move ahead. Proper and effective evaluation of the reason for your stagnation or your development is also essential. On doing this, you will know if the job you are currently pursuing is actually of interest to you or not.
Your next level should be to set goals, i.e. answering the question, 'Where can you be?' This is a very practical stage of your career planning and no assumptions or superficial beliefs would help you in this situation. Your assessment should be an effective reality check on your growth to find out of the loopholes if it exists anywhere. At this level, you also need to make up your mind clearly as to where you really wish to get, while you are making your career moves.
On answering the above two, you have now successfully reached the third and most dynamic stage of your career planning. Here you need to figure out 'How can you be there?' and prepare your skills and knowledge accordingly. Do a SWOT analysis on your self, i.e. a rigorous check of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This is the stage of implementing your plans. This is the execution phase.
Next comes a final assessment, to find out whether you are actually getting there. This is a periodical check on your moves. And will guide you to the right path.
The next most important thing in choosing the right career is to evaluate if your values, beliefs and attitude will fit in the job or not. There is no job satisfaction if you are not rightly and adequately paid for the job. And this is one reason for which most people are dissatisfied with their work.
Invest some time out of your schedule to find out the answer to these simple questions and find a career for yourself, which will compliment you and help you to love your workplace.
Career Planning is a long process, which begins right from the time one starts visiting school. Choosing a job that will suit you best depend on a number of factors, beginning with your interest and what you enjoy most. This is most important since there is no point working if; you do not enjoy the work you are doing. Secondly, it is also important to know what you wish to achieve in future. Setting prior goals is essential as this is what is going to motivate you in attaining results at the earliest.
The initial few years of your career are the most crucial period. It is during this phase that you realize which will be the perfect job for you. Counsellors also suggest that one should keep experimenting with a variety of profiles during this period to see where the interest actually lies. The career planning cycle has been broken into four stages that help in evaluating your position and take you to your desired position. The four stages are as follows:
Where you are? Where can you be? How can you be there? Are you actually getting there?
Let's now study these four stages and see what they actually mean.
The first step in career planning is self-assessment. To find out 'Where you are' placed and why you are in the position. Once you start evaluating your position you will know how focused or lost you are. And accordingly, you will also know how to refocus on your goals and move ahead. Proper and effective evaluation of the reason for your stagnation or your development is also essential. On doing this, you will know if the job you are currently pursuing is actually of interest to you or not.
Your next level should be to set goals, i.e. answering the question, 'Where can you be?' This is a very practical stage of your career planning and no assumptions or superficial beliefs would help you in this situation. Your assessment should be an effective reality check on your growth to find out of the loopholes if it exists anywhere. At this level, you also need to make up your mind clearly as to where you really wish to get, while you are making your career moves.
On answering the above two, you have now successfully reached the third and most dynamic stage of your career planning. Here you need to figure out 'How can you be there?' and prepare your skills and knowledge accordingly. Do a SWOT analysis on your self, i.e. a rigorous check of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. This is the stage of implementing your plans. This is the execution phase.
Next comes a final assessment, to find out whether you are actually getting there. This is a periodical check on your moves. And will guide you to the right path.
The next most important thing in choosing the right career is to evaluate if your values, beliefs and attitude will fit in the job or not. There is no job satisfaction if you are not rightly and adequately paid for the job. And this is one reason for which most people are dissatisfied with their work.
Invest some time out of your schedule to find out the answer to these simple questions and find a career for yourself, which will compliment you and help you to love your workplace.
HR Leaders
HR Leaders Must Capitalize On Their First 100 Days On
The following is an excerpt from Mercer's new Point of View paper, "Your first 100 days as chief human resource officer: Make a good first impression for lasting success."
Your first 100 days as the new Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) provides a window of opportunity to build a solid foundation for long-term success. It's a time to gain the confidence of the CEO, the executive team and those in the HR function, and to secure an in-depth understanding of your new environment.
This is a unique opportunity. you will never have the chance to do over. How can you make the most of it? We suggest you spend these critical first 100 days at the strategic level, focused on the development of connected strategies for both the organization' s workforce and the HR function itself.
You should strive to:
1. Connect the goals of the HR function to the goals of the business.By starting with the broad business challenges and strategy, you'll convey to senior executives that you understand the need to link workforce investments to business results. It will take some time before you can measure the impact of your HR leadership, but you can set the standard in the first 100 days as you identify new goals and measures for HR.
2. Identify the greatest sources of pain for immediate attention and prioritize longer-term issues.While you won't be able to address all of the organization' s workforce or HR issues in the first 100 days, you can identify the most critical ones, assess the available resources and develop a plan of action. You can also take advantage of smaller issues where quick action will result in immediate benefits.
3. Create a plan that will guide your function and your business partners.After you identify your goals, you can create a vision of success and a road map to get there. Your action plan will clearly articulate the activities, timing and required resources. Your plan should engage stakeholders throughout the organization to ensure a solid connection between business and workforce strategies.
4. Build the case for change within the function and throughout the organization.The scope and magnitude of change will be different in each organization, but there's no question that people will expect action - and business challenges will demand it. Your new role will provide momentum for change, and the CEO's agenda may add additional urgency. Your demonstrated ability to make a persuasive case for change in the first 100 days will highlight your value to the executive team.
5. Create a powerful personal brand as a business leader and change agent.What you do - and what you choose not to do - will communicate the value and character of your personal brand. Partly it's a matter of substance: what you have to say. But it's also a matter of style: how well you say it. While you will undoubtedly be influenced by aspects of your new organization and its culture, it's important to express your personal views on what HR must do - and how it must be done - to help the organization succeed. Expect some healthy debate as you posit views that others in your organization may not immediately agree with - including other business leaders and even your own HR team. This can be very constructive as you discuss the business, its future course and the implications for the workforce and the HR function.
Admittedly, each HR leadership job is different - greatly affected by market conditions, business strategies and the current state of the function. But regardless of the specific job situation, you will need to gather and synthesize facts and opinions about the organization' s unique business and workforce challenges, and then translate this information into a comprehensive set of actions.
The following three-step process can help you make a strong start and exceed the expectations of those around you:
Step 1: Understand the business and workforce issues.Identify the current and changing dynamics of key markets and customers... and their impact on the organization' s business strategy, brand and workforce priorities.
Step 2: Develop workforce and HR function strategies.Identify the important segments and characteristics of the organization' s workforce that will drive strategic competitive advantage. Determine the operational consequences of both the business and workforce requirements on the design of the HR function. Then spend some time developing a concrete plan - including priorities, important decision points and milestones, accountability and critical resources.
Step 3: Promote and lead change.Identify what needs to change, potential barriers and the activities required to support and sustain effective implementation - including productive new workforce behaviors supported by world-class HR.
The following is an excerpt from Mercer's new Point of View paper, "Your first 100 days as chief human resource officer: Make a good first impression for lasting success."
Your first 100 days as the new Chief Human Resource Officer (CHRO) provides a window of opportunity to build a solid foundation for long-term success. It's a time to gain the confidence of the CEO, the executive team and those in the HR function, and to secure an in-depth understanding of your new environment.
This is a unique opportunity. you will never have the chance to do over. How can you make the most of it? We suggest you spend these critical first 100 days at the strategic level, focused on the development of connected strategies for both the organization' s workforce and the HR function itself.
You should strive to:
1. Connect the goals of the HR function to the goals of the business.By starting with the broad business challenges and strategy, you'll convey to senior executives that you understand the need to link workforce investments to business results. It will take some time before you can measure the impact of your HR leadership, but you can set the standard in the first 100 days as you identify new goals and measures for HR.
2. Identify the greatest sources of pain for immediate attention and prioritize longer-term issues.While you won't be able to address all of the organization' s workforce or HR issues in the first 100 days, you can identify the most critical ones, assess the available resources and develop a plan of action. You can also take advantage of smaller issues where quick action will result in immediate benefits.
3. Create a plan that will guide your function and your business partners.After you identify your goals, you can create a vision of success and a road map to get there. Your action plan will clearly articulate the activities, timing and required resources. Your plan should engage stakeholders throughout the organization to ensure a solid connection between business and workforce strategies.
4. Build the case for change within the function and throughout the organization.The scope and magnitude of change will be different in each organization, but there's no question that people will expect action - and business challenges will demand it. Your new role will provide momentum for change, and the CEO's agenda may add additional urgency. Your demonstrated ability to make a persuasive case for change in the first 100 days will highlight your value to the executive team.
5. Create a powerful personal brand as a business leader and change agent.What you do - and what you choose not to do - will communicate the value and character of your personal brand. Partly it's a matter of substance: what you have to say. But it's also a matter of style: how well you say it. While you will undoubtedly be influenced by aspects of your new organization and its culture, it's important to express your personal views on what HR must do - and how it must be done - to help the organization succeed. Expect some healthy debate as you posit views that others in your organization may not immediately agree with - including other business leaders and even your own HR team. This can be very constructive as you discuss the business, its future course and the implications for the workforce and the HR function.
Admittedly, each HR leadership job is different - greatly affected by market conditions, business strategies and the current state of the function. But regardless of the specific job situation, you will need to gather and synthesize facts and opinions about the organization' s unique business and workforce challenges, and then translate this information into a comprehensive set of actions.
The following three-step process can help you make a strong start and exceed the expectations of those around you:
Step 1: Understand the business and workforce issues.Identify the current and changing dynamics of key markets and customers... and their impact on the organization' s business strategy, brand and workforce priorities.
Step 2: Develop workforce and HR function strategies.Identify the important segments and characteristics of the organization' s workforce that will drive strategic competitive advantage. Determine the operational consequences of both the business and workforce requirements on the design of the HR function. Then spend some time developing a concrete plan - including priorities, important decision points and milestones, accountability and critical resources.
Step 3: Promote and lead change.Identify what needs to change, potential barriers and the activities required to support and sustain effective implementation - including productive new workforce behaviors supported by world-class HR.
Select job
How to Look for a Job When You Already Have One!
The #1 reason people change jobs is not money. Feeling under-appreciated in a job that lacks any personal satisfaction is what motivates most people to move on. You'll spend about 11,000 days working over your lifetime, and I believe they should be rewarding and happy ones in which you are paid what you are worth. Contrary to public opinion - you cannot compartmentalize your life. Your career, your family, your hobbies, even your socializing, all impact your well-being interconnectively. So if you're unhappy at work those feelings spill over into your home life too.
If I'm describing you, recognize that you are not alone. Many of my career counseling clients are in the same boat. I have seen dozens of clients in the last few months who were employed, but they wanted more - and they got it. Julie had been a program manager for a major software company but had become disillusioned with the job. She put off looking for a new job because she felt overwhelmed with her current position. Her excuse was that she lacked the time to do it, that is until a friend told her about a terrific new position that sounded just perfect. That got her moving.
We began to work together and created her resume, a targeted cover letter, and polished her interviewing skills. From the day she decided to go after the new job, it took her less than three weeks to land it. The job pays over $100K with a lucrative bonus structure, which was a significant raise from the old job. Needless to say, life got immediately better for Julie once she made the decision toact. On top of which, she wrote to tell me that she loves the new job.
If you want to improve your life with a career change here are a few strategies to get you quickly moving in the right direction.
1. You need a great resume NOW.
You simply will avoid applying if you have to "do your resume." Do it right away: set aside the next weekend, sit down and write it. Today's employers want to see the results of your efforts so be specific in outlining accomplishments, noting how you made money for the company, or how much money, time or effort you saved. Note every way in which you have made positive contributions to your recent employers. Your resume is likely to get only a 20-second glance, so be certain it's the best advertisement possibly announcing your skills, and get help if you are struggling to write it on your own.
2. Cherry pick.
When you have a job, you need to be very selective about those for which you now elect to apply. Time management is crucial since you will likely only have about five hours a week to job search. Don't waste your time on any job that is not exciting and a pretty decent fit. A new job may be the one that is also a move up so stretch a bit to go after your dreams, but be realistic too.
3. Write targeted cover letters.
Why? Employers LOVE cover letters, and will take time to read well-written ones, meaning yours will get a longer look and you will have a stronger potential to be called in for the interview. The letter must be tailored to the opportunity and quickly outline the qualifications and past accomplishments that you bring to the job, pointing out why you are a good fit. Be sure your opening paragraph summarizes your top skills.
4. Know what your skills are worth.
Learn whether you are truly being underpaid and what you should realistically expect. Be well-prepared to effectively handle any salary questions or you may leave money on the table, or worse, not get the job since the interviewer downgraded your skills because your current salary was lower than your skills should garner. Keep this mantra in mind: whoever mentions money first loses - don't let it be you.
The #1 reason people change jobs is not money. Feeling under-appreciated in a job that lacks any personal satisfaction is what motivates most people to move on. You'll spend about 11,000 days working over your lifetime, and I believe they should be rewarding and happy ones in which you are paid what you are worth. Contrary to public opinion - you cannot compartmentalize your life. Your career, your family, your hobbies, even your socializing, all impact your well-being interconnectively. So if you're unhappy at work those feelings spill over into your home life too.
If I'm describing you, recognize that you are not alone. Many of my career counseling clients are in the same boat. I have seen dozens of clients in the last few months who were employed, but they wanted more - and they got it. Julie had been a program manager for a major software company but had become disillusioned with the job. She put off looking for a new job because she felt overwhelmed with her current position. Her excuse was that she lacked the time to do it, that is until a friend told her about a terrific new position that sounded just perfect. That got her moving.
We began to work together and created her resume, a targeted cover letter, and polished her interviewing skills. From the day she decided to go after the new job, it took her less than three weeks to land it. The job pays over $100K with a lucrative bonus structure, which was a significant raise from the old job. Needless to say, life got immediately better for Julie once she made the decision toact. On top of which, she wrote to tell me that she loves the new job.
If you want to improve your life with a career change here are a few strategies to get you quickly moving in the right direction.
1. You need a great resume NOW.
You simply will avoid applying if you have to "do your resume." Do it right away: set aside the next weekend, sit down and write it. Today's employers want to see the results of your efforts so be specific in outlining accomplishments, noting how you made money for the company, or how much money, time or effort you saved. Note every way in which you have made positive contributions to your recent employers. Your resume is likely to get only a 20-second glance, so be certain it's the best advertisement possibly announcing your skills, and get help if you are struggling to write it on your own.
2. Cherry pick.
When you have a job, you need to be very selective about those for which you now elect to apply. Time management is crucial since you will likely only have about five hours a week to job search. Don't waste your time on any job that is not exciting and a pretty decent fit. A new job may be the one that is also a move up so stretch a bit to go after your dreams, but be realistic too.
3. Write targeted cover letters.
Why? Employers LOVE cover letters, and will take time to read well-written ones, meaning yours will get a longer look and you will have a stronger potential to be called in for the interview. The letter must be tailored to the opportunity and quickly outline the qualifications and past accomplishments that you bring to the job, pointing out why you are a good fit. Be sure your opening paragraph summarizes your top skills.
4. Know what your skills are worth.
Learn whether you are truly being underpaid and what you should realistically expect. Be well-prepared to effectively handle any salary questions or you may leave money on the table, or worse, not get the job since the interviewer downgraded your skills because your current salary was lower than your skills should garner. Keep this mantra in mind: whoever mentions money first loses - don't let it be you.
How 2 Answer
General Guidelines in Answering Interview Questions
Everyone is nervous on interviews. If you simply allow yourself to feel nervous, you'll do much better. Remember also that it's difficult for the interviewer as well.
In general, be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.
Rehearse your answers and time them. Never talk for more than 2 minutes straight.
Don't try to memorize answers word for word. Use the answers shown hereas a guide only, and don't be afraid to include your own thoughts andwords. To help you remember key concepts, jot down and review a few keywords for each answer. Rehearse your answers frequently, and they willcome to you naturally in interviews.
As you will read in the accompanying report, the single most important strategy in interviewing, as in all phases of your job search, is whatwe call: "The Greatest Executive Job Finding Secret." And that is...
Find out what people want, than show them how you can help them get it.
In other words, you must match your abilities, with the needs of the employer. You must sell what the buyer is buying. To do that, before youknow what to emphasize in your answers, you must find out what the buyer is buying... what he is looking for. And the best way to do that is toask a few questions yourself.
You will see how to bring this off skillfully as you read the first two questions of this report. But regardless of how you accomplish it, you must remember this strategy above all: before blurting out yourqualifications, you must get some idea of what the employer wants most.Once you know what he wants, you can then present your qualifications as the perfect key that fits the lock of that position.
Other important interview strategies:
Turn weaknesses into strengths (You'll see how to do this in afew moments.) Think before you answer. A pause to collect your thoughts is a hallmark of a thoughtful person.
As a daily exercise, practice being more optimistic. For example, try putting a positive spin on events and situations you would normally regard as negative. This is not meant to turn you into a Pollyanna, butto sharpen your selling skills. The best salespeople, as well as the best liked interview candidates, come off as being naturally optimistic,"can do" people. You will dramatically raise your level of attractiveness by daily practicing to be more optimistic.
Be honest...never lie.
Keep an interview diary. Right after each interview note what you did right, what could have gone a little better, and what steps you should take next with this contact. Then take those steps. Don't be like the 95% of humanity who say they will follow up on something, but never do.
Everyone is nervous on interviews. If you simply allow yourself to feel nervous, you'll do much better. Remember also that it's difficult for the interviewer as well.
In general, be upbeat and positive. Never be negative.
Rehearse your answers and time them. Never talk for more than 2 minutes straight.
Don't try to memorize answers word for word. Use the answers shown hereas a guide only, and don't be afraid to include your own thoughts andwords. To help you remember key concepts, jot down and review a few keywords for each answer. Rehearse your answers frequently, and they willcome to you naturally in interviews.
As you will read in the accompanying report, the single most important strategy in interviewing, as in all phases of your job search, is whatwe call: "The Greatest Executive Job Finding Secret." And that is...
Find out what people want, than show them how you can help them get it.
In other words, you must match your abilities, with the needs of the employer. You must sell what the buyer is buying. To do that, before youknow what to emphasize in your answers, you must find out what the buyer is buying... what he is looking for. And the best way to do that is toask a few questions yourself.
You will see how to bring this off skillfully as you read the first two questions of this report. But regardless of how you accomplish it, you must remember this strategy above all: before blurting out yourqualifications, you must get some idea of what the employer wants most.Once you know what he wants, you can then present your qualifications as the perfect key that fits the lock of that position.
Other important interview strategies:
Turn weaknesses into strengths (You'll see how to do this in afew moments.) Think before you answer. A pause to collect your thoughts is a hallmark of a thoughtful person.
As a daily exercise, practice being more optimistic. For example, try putting a positive spin on events and situations you would normally regard as negative. This is not meant to turn you into a Pollyanna, butto sharpen your selling skills. The best salespeople, as well as the best liked interview candidates, come off as being naturally optimistic,"can do" people. You will dramatically raise your level of attractiveness by daily practicing to be more optimistic.
Be honest...never lie.
Keep an interview diary. Right after each interview note what you did right, what could have gone a little better, and what steps you should take next with this contact. Then take those steps. Don't be like the 95% of humanity who say they will follow up on something, but never do.
Interview Tips
Interview Tips
• Before the Interview:
Prepare for the interview.
• Dress appropriately in simple, comfortable clothes that reflect your personality.
• Avoid wearing new shoes (squeaking noises) and do practice wearing your tie.
• Be punctual – don't be late or even too early.
• Read up about the company, what business they are into, growth trends, diversification etc. Read your own resume - be sure that you don't have to look into your resume to recall details during the interview.
• Carry extra copies of your resume and testimonials – you never know when you may need them.
• Make sure you know the full name and designation of the person interviewing you.
• Keep your references ready.
• Remember to make a note of your previous or current salary with all its components.
• Make a good first impression.
• Wish the interviewer( s) cheerfully and with a smile.
• A firm handshake is an indicator of how you are feeling. If you are a lady, then some male employers might not make the first move, but go ahead and initiate the handshake.
• Wait till you are asked to sit down.
• Look the person in the eye.
• Do not appear too nervous or overconfident. Your body language usually conveys more than what you are saying. Don't slouch or lean forward too much.
• Try to curb nervous mannerisms eg. fidgeting or biting your finger.
• Appear comfortable, confident and interested in securing the job.
During the interview...
• Start the interview with a pleasant smile.
• Always remember to give a firm handshake. If there are women in your interview panel, wait for the other person to extend the hand while shaking hands.
• Listen carefully to what the interviewer is saying.
• Stress on what you can contribute to the organisation.
• Remember that the employer is in control of the interview.
• Don't be too long-winded – say what you want to convey in crisp sentences and use terms that would convey your job & achievements.
• Complete your sentences - don't answer just yes or no.
• What you don't know can be learned – tell them if you don't know something. But give instances of how quick a learner you are.
• Do not boast. People on the other side are shrewd and can generally see through you. At the same time talk about achievements giving due credit to others.
• When talking about yourself and your aspirations, do not sound vague or do not say that you don't know something. You should be very clear and precise about what you want to do, where you want to go etc.
• If you don't understand a question, ask for clarification, don't answer vaguely.
• Don't talk about your personal problems, why you need the job etc.
• Don't get personal – even if you know the interviewer personally.
• Don't be overconfident or too nervous.
• Don't badmouth your previous employer - you could do the same in the case of the prospective customer.
• Don't complain about politics, a bad boss or a poor salary - your reasons for change should be higher responsibilities, location etc.
• If the interviewer is interrupted during the course of the interview, don't pick up papers on his or her desk and read them.
• Don't ask about salary before the offer is made.
• Strike a balance between what you actually are and what you want to be – don't paint a picture of yourself as somebody who is not concerned about money, social status etc.
• Don't be in a hurry to complete the interview.
• Ask questions at the end of the interview – it could be about the company, the job or the next stage of the interview process. It will be an indicator of your interest in the position.
• Send a thank-you letter – outlining your interest in the job and why you are qualified for it.
• Be positive and confident - and the job is yours!
• Before the Interview:
Prepare for the interview.
• Dress appropriately in simple, comfortable clothes that reflect your personality.
• Avoid wearing new shoes (squeaking noises) and do practice wearing your tie.
• Be punctual – don't be late or even too early.
• Read up about the company, what business they are into, growth trends, diversification etc. Read your own resume - be sure that you don't have to look into your resume to recall details during the interview.
• Carry extra copies of your resume and testimonials – you never know when you may need them.
• Make sure you know the full name and designation of the person interviewing you.
• Keep your references ready.
• Remember to make a note of your previous or current salary with all its components.
• Make a good first impression.
• Wish the interviewer( s) cheerfully and with a smile.
• A firm handshake is an indicator of how you are feeling. If you are a lady, then some male employers might not make the first move, but go ahead and initiate the handshake.
• Wait till you are asked to sit down.
• Look the person in the eye.
• Do not appear too nervous or overconfident. Your body language usually conveys more than what you are saying. Don't slouch or lean forward too much.
• Try to curb nervous mannerisms eg. fidgeting or biting your finger.
• Appear comfortable, confident and interested in securing the job.
During the interview...
• Start the interview with a pleasant smile.
• Always remember to give a firm handshake. If there are women in your interview panel, wait for the other person to extend the hand while shaking hands.
• Listen carefully to what the interviewer is saying.
• Stress on what you can contribute to the organisation.
• Remember that the employer is in control of the interview.
• Don't be too long-winded – say what you want to convey in crisp sentences and use terms that would convey your job & achievements.
• Complete your sentences - don't answer just yes or no.
• What you don't know can be learned – tell them if you don't know something. But give instances of how quick a learner you are.
• Do not boast. People on the other side are shrewd and can generally see through you. At the same time talk about achievements giving due credit to others.
• When talking about yourself and your aspirations, do not sound vague or do not say that you don't know something. You should be very clear and precise about what you want to do, where you want to go etc.
• If you don't understand a question, ask for clarification, don't answer vaguely.
• Don't talk about your personal problems, why you need the job etc.
• Don't get personal – even if you know the interviewer personally.
• Don't be overconfident or too nervous.
• Don't badmouth your previous employer - you could do the same in the case of the prospective customer.
• Don't complain about politics, a bad boss or a poor salary - your reasons for change should be higher responsibilities, location etc.
• If the interviewer is interrupted during the course of the interview, don't pick up papers on his or her desk and read them.
• Don't ask about salary before the offer is made.
• Strike a balance between what you actually are and what you want to be – don't paint a picture of yourself as somebody who is not concerned about money, social status etc.
• Don't be in a hurry to complete the interview.
• Ask questions at the end of the interview – it could be about the company, the job or the next stage of the interview process. It will be an indicator of your interest in the position.
• Send a thank-you letter – outlining your interest in the job and why you are qualified for it.
• Be positive and confident - and the job is yours!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Soft Skills

Soft skills is a sociological term for a person's "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), which refers to the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, ability with language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that mark people to varying degrees. Soft skills complement hard skills (part of a person's IQ), which are the technical requirements of a job.
A person's soft skill EQ can also be an important part of the success of an organization. Organizations, particularly those frequently dealing with customers face-to-face, are generally more prosperous if they train their staff to use these skills. Screening or training for personal habits or traits such as dependability and conscientiouness can yield significant return on investment for an organization. [1] For this reason, soft skills are increasingly sought out by employers in addition to standard qualifications.
It has been suggested that in a number of professions soft skills are more important over the long term than technical skills, for example in the legal profession where the ability to deal with people effectively and politely can determine the professional success of a lawyer more than his or her mere technical skills.
Subjects like financial management, marketing management, HR management can be taught in the classroom and can be studied at home. But not soft skills. Soft skills are acquired and experienced on the spot and cannot be developed by merely reading textbooks. The soft skills you gain will equip you to excel in your professional life and in your personal life. It is a continuous learning process.
Don't Let Lack
Beef Up Your Resume - Don't Let Lack of Experience Limit Your Success
Kathy Broughton had worked in customer service most of her life, but never as a hotel front desk clerk. She had experience as a barkeep, server and retail sales clerk, but no specific training in an industry that interested her. When the opportunity arose to apply for a job at a local hotel chain, she was concerned her lack of specific experience would hinder her chances of landing this hospitality job.
After taking some industry-related courses, she faxed her resume in response to a newspaper ad, then was called for an interview and was working three days later.
Her secret? "I stressed my customer service on my resume, and they took my experience as a plus. I knew I had the personality and qualifications to do the job."
Just Starting Out?
Being new to the hospitality industry isn't an automatic "don't call us, we'll call you." There are ways of tailoring your resume to get that all important interview, even if you're new to the business.
Your objective needs to be really clear, advises chef-consultant Gary E. Miller. "If you don't have the resume to back it up, you must say up front you really love the restaurant industry, you have spent some time in the business, you have the interest and a willingness to learn."
Quite often, he adds, applicants don't have relevant experience, especially if they're applying for a starter job in the restaurant industry. But he doesn't see this as an impediment to advancement.
"I'm a huge believer in attitude over aptitude. Tremendous attitude has it over the person with a world of experience who thinks he can change the world. I want someone who does what I ask and can do it well."
Focus On Your Skills: Quantify What You've DoneEveryone, says recruiter Peter Shrive, a partner with Cambridge Management Planning, has work experience. Summer jobs, assignments, coop placements, part-time jobs, internships all count. "Almost anyone has skills that can be marketable," he says.
He offers the example of a student who might have run an ice cream stand. How would that person describe her job experience on a resume? "What you did was purchase raw materials, planned inventories, dealt with 31,000 customers, grew sales by X%, generated Y% in profits, managed banking, handled cash transactions, honed customer service skills, arranged for repairs, located and hired staff, worked with the owners." Suddenly, that summer job sounds very relevant to a position in the hospitality industry.
Shrive also advises job seekers to quantify previous experience on their resumes. You weren't just a server working in a particular restaurant. Include on your resume how many customers you served in a day, how many bills you managed daily, how many receipts you gave without mistakes.
"Servers have to remember all the specials, have to be able to tally the bill properly, have to be able to carry all those plates. These are marketable skills," he says.
Mind The Gaps
Gaps in your resume can be inevitable if you're switching careers or have taken time away because of maternity leave, illness, traveling, or periods of unemployment. To a prospective employer, though, gaps can become red flags, so they should be handled carefully. If the gap was legitimate, be honest. If you were unemployed, explain what you did with your time and what types of jobs you applied for. Backpacking in Europe, however, suggests irresponsibility. In that case, Shrive advises you talk about the opportunities you took to study hospitality trends, comparing restaurants or studying customer service in different countries.
Tips For Beefing Up Your Resume
1. Start with a strong "functional" resume.
2. Lay your cards on the table. Let the employer know if you lack specific experience, but that doesn't mean you lack appropriate skills and an enthusiasm for the hospitality industry.
3. Make up for your lack of experience with a knowledge of the industry, plus specific knowledge of the establishment to which you're applying.
4. Emphasize your skills, not your places of employment.
5. If you've worked in one job for the past 10 years, don't assume this is the only job for which you're suited. Job skills are transferable.Let's say you want to move from a front desk job in a hotel to a different hospitality sector. Talk on your resume about how you've honed your customer service skills, developed your money management, learned computer skills, increased international skills, enhanced your local knowledge.
6. If you've jumped around from job to job, be prepared to explain why. Employment instability can be a red flag, especially in a high turnover industry like hospitality.
7. Instead of listing your months of employment, use years and consider not listing every job you've held unless it's relevant.
8. Trying to shift careers? Research your new industry and tailor your resume accordingly. If your number one skill is people handling, then look back at your career and find the top examples of customer service experiences
Kathy Broughton had worked in customer service most of her life, but never as a hotel front desk clerk. She had experience as a barkeep, server and retail sales clerk, but no specific training in an industry that interested her. When the opportunity arose to apply for a job at a local hotel chain, she was concerned her lack of specific experience would hinder her chances of landing this hospitality job.
After taking some industry-related courses, she faxed her resume in response to a newspaper ad, then was called for an interview and was working three days later.
Her secret? "I stressed my customer service on my resume, and they took my experience as a plus. I knew I had the personality and qualifications to do the job."
Just Starting Out?
Being new to the hospitality industry isn't an automatic "don't call us, we'll call you." There are ways of tailoring your resume to get that all important interview, even if you're new to the business.
Your objective needs to be really clear, advises chef-consultant Gary E. Miller. "If you don't have the resume to back it up, you must say up front you really love the restaurant industry, you have spent some time in the business, you have the interest and a willingness to learn."
Quite often, he adds, applicants don't have relevant experience, especially if they're applying for a starter job in the restaurant industry. But he doesn't see this as an impediment to advancement.
"I'm a huge believer in attitude over aptitude. Tremendous attitude has it over the person with a world of experience who thinks he can change the world. I want someone who does what I ask and can do it well."
Focus On Your Skills: Quantify What You've DoneEveryone, says recruiter Peter Shrive, a partner with Cambridge Management Planning, has work experience. Summer jobs, assignments, coop placements, part-time jobs, internships all count. "Almost anyone has skills that can be marketable," he says.
He offers the example of a student who might have run an ice cream stand. How would that person describe her job experience on a resume? "What you did was purchase raw materials, planned inventories, dealt with 31,000 customers, grew sales by X%, generated Y% in profits, managed banking, handled cash transactions, honed customer service skills, arranged for repairs, located and hired staff, worked with the owners." Suddenly, that summer job sounds very relevant to a position in the hospitality industry.
Shrive also advises job seekers to quantify previous experience on their resumes. You weren't just a server working in a particular restaurant. Include on your resume how many customers you served in a day, how many bills you managed daily, how many receipts you gave without mistakes.
"Servers have to remember all the specials, have to be able to tally the bill properly, have to be able to carry all those plates. These are marketable skills," he says.
Mind The Gaps
Gaps in your resume can be inevitable if you're switching careers or have taken time away because of maternity leave, illness, traveling, or periods of unemployment. To a prospective employer, though, gaps can become red flags, so they should be handled carefully. If the gap was legitimate, be honest. If you were unemployed, explain what you did with your time and what types of jobs you applied for. Backpacking in Europe, however, suggests irresponsibility. In that case, Shrive advises you talk about the opportunities you took to study hospitality trends, comparing restaurants or studying customer service in different countries.
Tips For Beefing Up Your Resume
1. Start with a strong "functional" resume.
2. Lay your cards on the table. Let the employer know if you lack specific experience, but that doesn't mean you lack appropriate skills and an enthusiasm for the hospitality industry.
3. Make up for your lack of experience with a knowledge of the industry, plus specific knowledge of the establishment to which you're applying.
4. Emphasize your skills, not your places of employment.
5. If you've worked in one job for the past 10 years, don't assume this is the only job for which you're suited. Job skills are transferable.Let's say you want to move from a front desk job in a hotel to a different hospitality sector. Talk on your resume about how you've honed your customer service skills, developed your money management, learned computer skills, increased international skills, enhanced your local knowledge.
6. If you've jumped around from job to job, be prepared to explain why. Employment instability can be a red flag, especially in a high turnover industry like hospitality.
7. Instead of listing your months of employment, use years and consider not listing every job you've held unless it's relevant.
8. Trying to shift careers? Research your new industry and tailor your resume accordingly. If your number one skill is people handling, then look back at your career and find the top examples of customer service experiences
Succeeding in Interviews Often Means Being Likable
How long should answers be during interviews? When responding, should I say, "When I become vice president of your company" or "as vice president of your company"? How much should I try to control the interview?
Here's one of the most important things to know about interviewing: By the time you're invited to meet company representatives, the employer usually believes you're qualified to do the job. Now, the company wants to know if you'll fit in and work well in its environment.
In other words, the interviewer is hoping to learn you're someone who should be invited to the party, says Mike Lorelli, chief executive officer of Latex International, a Shelton, Conn., mattress-foam company. "At this point, cultural fit is more important than talking a long time about your degree," he cautions.
(As an aside, you can see why it's so important to network and be referred for a job by someone the company trusts. This way, the interviewer is already predisposed to like you.) There isn't a specific formula for interview success. The best sessions are typically conversational give-and-takes where the interviewer and candidate form a personal connection. Talking too much won't allow for that.
"There is nothing more painful than someone giving an answer that is seemingly endless," says Mr. Lorelli, whose career includes the presidencies of large consumer products companies.
Take your cues from interviewers, he suggests. If they speak in shorter sentences, respond in kind. One way to know if your answers are too long is if the interviewer interrupts you to ask another question, says Joshua Burgin, senior manager, IT projects, for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
"For me, the best answers are those when you appear to have listened to the question and answered it directly and also gotten behind it and said something so I can follow up," he says.
Try to gauge how you're doing with such queries as "Would you like a short or long answer to that?" or "Is that what you wanted to know?" Mr. Burgin suggests. "I like candidates who can recover from stumbles over those who don't seem to read the question correctly," he says.
It's important to be comfortable with yourself during interviews, which means doing what's natural to you - which isn't likely to include saying: "when I am vice president of your company." Often, using that sort of phrase can backfire and make you seem arrogant or presumptuous.
If an interviewer is on the fence about you, it's best not to take that chance. "It isn't horrible to say something like that, but when I'm not completely sure about someone, it probably wouldn't work for me," says Mr. Burgin.
Controlling an interview is wise in the sense that you should try to get a few important points across during the meeting, says Mr. Lorelli. For instance, if you learn from your research that you and the interviewer have something in common, such as a hobby, try to work it into an answer. Mr. Lorelli plays golf and is a private pilot, "so if a golfer or pilot were interviewing me, I would work those things into the conversation, " he says.
Or, if the opening has international responsibilities, let the interviewer know you have traveled of worked globally in the past.
Asking thoughtful questions can help turn the interview into a conversation, says Mr. Burgin. "I worry about a person's fit when I'm only asked simple things like about the health benefits," he says.
Everyone loves to talk about themselves and their interests. Look for clues about an interviewer when you enter the person's office and comment on them, Mr. Lorelli suggests. If the office is bare, ask the interviewer how long he or she has worked at the organization and how they like it. Remarks like this make you seem friendly and likable - and very possibly someone the company may want to hire.
How long should answers be during interviews? When responding, should I say, "When I become vice president of your company" or "as vice president of your company"? How much should I try to control the interview?
Here's one of the most important things to know about interviewing: By the time you're invited to meet company representatives, the employer usually believes you're qualified to do the job. Now, the company wants to know if you'll fit in and work well in its environment.
In other words, the interviewer is hoping to learn you're someone who should be invited to the party, says Mike Lorelli, chief executive officer of Latex International, a Shelton, Conn., mattress-foam company. "At this point, cultural fit is more important than talking a long time about your degree," he cautions.
(As an aside, you can see why it's so important to network and be referred for a job by someone the company trusts. This way, the interviewer is already predisposed to like you.) There isn't a specific formula for interview success. The best sessions are typically conversational give-and-takes where the interviewer and candidate form a personal connection. Talking too much won't allow for that.
"There is nothing more painful than someone giving an answer that is seemingly endless," says Mr. Lorelli, whose career includes the presidencies of large consumer products companies.
Take your cues from interviewers, he suggests. If they speak in shorter sentences, respond in kind. One way to know if your answers are too long is if the interviewer interrupts you to ask another question, says Joshua Burgin, senior manager, IT projects, for the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle.
"For me, the best answers are those when you appear to have listened to the question and answered it directly and also gotten behind it and said something so I can follow up," he says.
Try to gauge how you're doing with such queries as "Would you like a short or long answer to that?" or "Is that what you wanted to know?" Mr. Burgin suggests. "I like candidates who can recover from stumbles over those who don't seem to read the question correctly," he says.
It's important to be comfortable with yourself during interviews, which means doing what's natural to you - which isn't likely to include saying: "when I am vice president of your company." Often, using that sort of phrase can backfire and make you seem arrogant or presumptuous.
If an interviewer is on the fence about you, it's best not to take that chance. "It isn't horrible to say something like that, but when I'm not completely sure about someone, it probably wouldn't work for me," says Mr. Burgin.
Controlling an interview is wise in the sense that you should try to get a few important points across during the meeting, says Mr. Lorelli. For instance, if you learn from your research that you and the interviewer have something in common, such as a hobby, try to work it into an answer. Mr. Lorelli plays golf and is a private pilot, "so if a golfer or pilot were interviewing me, I would work those things into the conversation, " he says.
Or, if the opening has international responsibilities, let the interviewer know you have traveled of worked globally in the past.
Asking thoughtful questions can help turn the interview into a conversation, says Mr. Burgin. "I worry about a person's fit when I'm only asked simple things like about the health benefits," he says.
Everyone loves to talk about themselves and their interests. Look for clues about an interviewer when you enter the person's office and comment on them, Mr. Lorelli suggests. If the office is bare, ask the interviewer how long he or she has worked at the organization and how they like it. Remarks like this make you seem friendly and likable - and very possibly someone the company may want to hire.
Monday, November 10, 2008
Who You Want
Researching The Company - Know Who You Want To Work For
A career in the hospitality industry can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only will a hospitality job provide outgoing people with an excellent chance to broaden their horizons through the people that they meet, there are always opportunities for growth and advancement within every niche of the industry, whether you choose a hotel job, a restaurant job, or any one of the other dozens of possibilities available. The key to a long and satisfying career within the industry is careful selection of the company that you choose to work for.
Businesses that cater to providing services to people out to get away from the grind can have a wide range of employee satisfaction. It is very possible to find the right fit for your career conditions through a simple research process.
Pinpoint Your Perfect Employer: The Research ProcessThere are several areas in which a job seeker can look for information that determines whether or not a specific company is right for them. Dave Fischer, who has worked in management positions in several restaurants and now runs a consulting firm which caters to resort jobs, suggests the following list of criteria when looking for the right hospitality job:
1. Are there possibilities of advancement within the company?
2. Determine how the company advances their employees. Is seniority or work ethic and skill the deciding factor?
3. Does the company have a good record when it comes to employee retention?
4. What kind of benefits does the company offer to long-term, full time employees?
5. Does the pay scale reflect industry standards?
"I have found the companies that can offer examples of employee advancement, that reward their long-term employees with better-than- competitive benefits and pay scales, and that base promotions on ethics and understanding rather than on seniority have the most satisfied employees," says Fischer. "These employees tend to make the business their career."
Conducting Research: Where To Look
There are several places that prospective employees can look when seeking the answers to their questions. Each option offers varying degrees of reliability and quality of information, but taken as a whole they will provide a job seeker with a good idea of the big picture as far as company/employee relations.
1. Word of Mouth
The first step in any process, including searching for that perfect foodservice job or other hospitality job, is to work your contacts. Most people within the hospitality industry will have contacts in various places of employment; make sure to check with your friends and acquaintances to see how they and their co-workers are treated at the company you are interested in.
2. Public Records
Another great place to find information on companies are public records. This includes resources such as the Internet and other forms of media as well as local records from Better Business Bureaus and Compensation Boards. These sources will let job seekers know what type of customer service the company provides, and how busy the company is. Most hospitality job holders will tell you that the busier the company, the better the job.
3. Interviews
A lot of potential employees seem to forget that their interview is just a much a tool for their use as it is for employer," says Darren Parsons, owner of Ric's Mediterranean Grill. "The interview is probably the best spot for a potential worker to find out all that they want to know about the company and their spot in it, both for the present and the future. What's more, hiring managers are more likely to hire someone who has an interest in the operations and history of the company. It works both ways." Make sure that you are prepared not only with the answers to questions during your foodservice interview or your hotel interview, but also with some good questions of your own!
Good Research Will Lead To A Great Job
The old adage "the more you put in, the more you will get out" seems to hold just as true for finding a job within the hospitality industry as it does everywhere else. Job seekers who take the time to do a good background check on their potential places of work are not only likely to be happy at their positions, they are also more likely to be hired. From the start of the search right through to the interview questions, gathering information is vital to a long and happy career.
A career in the hospitality industry can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Not only will a hospitality job provide outgoing people with an excellent chance to broaden their horizons through the people that they meet, there are always opportunities for growth and advancement within every niche of the industry, whether you choose a hotel job, a restaurant job, or any one of the other dozens of possibilities available. The key to a long and satisfying career within the industry is careful selection of the company that you choose to work for.
Businesses that cater to providing services to people out to get away from the grind can have a wide range of employee satisfaction. It is very possible to find the right fit for your career conditions through a simple research process.
Pinpoint Your Perfect Employer: The Research ProcessThere are several areas in which a job seeker can look for information that determines whether or not a specific company is right for them. Dave Fischer, who has worked in management positions in several restaurants and now runs a consulting firm which caters to resort jobs, suggests the following list of criteria when looking for the right hospitality job:
1. Are there possibilities of advancement within the company?
2. Determine how the company advances their employees. Is seniority or work ethic and skill the deciding factor?
3. Does the company have a good record when it comes to employee retention?
4. What kind of benefits does the company offer to long-term, full time employees?
5. Does the pay scale reflect industry standards?
"I have found the companies that can offer examples of employee advancement, that reward their long-term employees with better-than- competitive benefits and pay scales, and that base promotions on ethics and understanding rather than on seniority have the most satisfied employees," says Fischer. "These employees tend to make the business their career."
Conducting Research: Where To Look
There are several places that prospective employees can look when seeking the answers to their questions. Each option offers varying degrees of reliability and quality of information, but taken as a whole they will provide a job seeker with a good idea of the big picture as far as company/employee relations.
1. Word of Mouth
The first step in any process, including searching for that perfect foodservice job or other hospitality job, is to work your contacts. Most people within the hospitality industry will have contacts in various places of employment; make sure to check with your friends and acquaintances to see how they and their co-workers are treated at the company you are interested in.
2. Public Records
Another great place to find information on companies are public records. This includes resources such as the Internet and other forms of media as well as local records from Better Business Bureaus and Compensation Boards. These sources will let job seekers know what type of customer service the company provides, and how busy the company is. Most hospitality job holders will tell you that the busier the company, the better the job.
3. Interviews
A lot of potential employees seem to forget that their interview is just a much a tool for their use as it is for employer," says Darren Parsons, owner of Ric's Mediterranean Grill. "The interview is probably the best spot for a potential worker to find out all that they want to know about the company and their spot in it, both for the present and the future. What's more, hiring managers are more likely to hire someone who has an interest in the operations and history of the company. It works both ways." Make sure that you are prepared not only with the answers to questions during your foodservice interview or your hotel interview, but also with some good questions of your own!
Good Research Will Lead To A Great Job
The old adage "the more you put in, the more you will get out" seems to hold just as true for finding a job within the hospitality industry as it does everywhere else. Job seekers who take the time to do a good background check on their potential places of work are not only likely to be happy at their positions, they are also more likely to be hired. From the start of the search right through to the interview questions, gathering information is vital to a long and happy career.
Train Others
Can We Train Others To Be Creative?
This question is a 'poser'! Throughout my life, I never thought for one minute that one could 'train' people to be motivated, positive, kind, polite, respectful, creative, innovative, and so forth. These are intrinsic qualities people have or do not have.
Sometimes, it is qualities they did acquire throughout their life due to circumstances, environment, and experiences, but it usually takes them many years to acquire, if these are not part of their nature and early upbringing.
One can teach them to 'demonstrate' kindness, politeness, and respect, and maybe pretend to be creative and innovative (by stealing other's ideas). We must always remember that we train people to have them perform a task or demonstrate a certain behavior. If they 'demonstrate' a behaviour this does not mean that this is part of their nature, nor of their psyche. However, based on my personal experience with others, whether in private life or as trainer, instructor, coach, or consultant, I discovered that some people do have such qualities which they 'stifled' due to difficult circumstances, never daring to bring them out in the open.
Through guidance, coaching, and leadership, we can indeed impact others in such a manner as to encourage them to bring to the surface and to outer expression the gifts they were born with, to use and develop their potential. We can gently get them to shed off their protective shell and amorphous personas with stimulus and courage, and let the juices of creativity flow. We can help them realize their value as 'intelligent' human beings, who can contribute something uniquely theirs.
We coach, guide, and lead by example, prod and encourage, offer support, open the doors to what's possible, and we give easy to understand examples.
After preparing this creative setting, and sharing with them personal examples, as well as the examples of others (individuals, groups, and companies), we begin bringing back the subject to our immediate interest: the organization and our area of work.
We select (for discussion) one or two facets of the operation. We analyze these, with input from the group. We ask if the status quo is the best way it can be done or if the organization, or 'we people', can improve on this.
We (trainers, facilitators) present at least two different proposed improvements, and ask the group to join in and suggest alternatives no one maybe yet thought of (way to improve service, operations, work procedures, product quality, customer satisfaction, sales, savings, or profit).
We, ourselves, speak with excitement, so we can communicate it to the group. We treat the people we speak to with respect and as equals. We create an environment in which 'we all', as a team, plan to find better solutions.
We begin seeing their interest perk up, their eyes sparkle. We can almost see many thoughts racing through their minds. We ask a few, by name, to share their thoughts with us.
Once we break the ice with one, two, or three, of the group, and get them to present ideas, we sense that all the rest now want to pitch in. Sometimes, we cannot contain the rush of thoughts and have to begin establishing some order. When individuals propose something, we ask the group what they think and who is ready to comment on this proposal. We ask who else has a proposal 'we can learn from'. We get a dynamic discussion going.
From 'presenter' we now turn into 'facilitator' and 'leader'. Each suggested proposal is given importance, analyzed by the group to see if it indeed offers additional value to the operation and/or to customers.
We sense the excitement and high motivation in the group. We go one step further and ask someone to come to the whiteboard (or flipchart) to write down the different ideas presented.
We regularly express our appreciation for their contributions. We wonder aloud at their creative thinking. We ask them how all these valuable ideas could be practically implemented.
We gently make sure that whoever speaks is not interrupted or derided by others, however impractical the idea presented. We (ourselves) find value in each contribution. We engage people in a respectful conversation about their idea(s).
In such a session, we turn a roomful of listless and cynical supervisors (and/or employees) into a highly motivated and creative team, working towards one objective: How to come up with ideas to improve operations, the organization, service, etc.
Please note that this is 'not' a training session to teach creativity, but is a dynamic exercise in creative thinking, which we, ourselves, lead like a maestro. The participants are the members of the orchestra who will realize the 'production' we want.
In such sessions, we often discover ideas we and all of management never thought of. Participants too are amazed at their individual gifts and collective power of thought. It gets them excited. It also give them the opportunity to demonstrate their value as individuals and be acknowledged for this.
Following such a session, we continue receiving more ideas from the individuals in our group. We can keep this up we honestly discuss the feasibility and practicality of each idea presented, explaining why some cannot be implemented. We critique, but do not criticize.
We have to show that we did take their contribution into serious consideration, and appreciate it sincerely.
The purpose is not only to create a dynamic discussion, but to follow through on this. It must have meaning which relates to them.
I cannot think of any other way to lead people to think creatively. If you do, please share with me, but make sure it is based on actual, successful experience.
We cannot 'train' people to be creative. We can only lead them by personal example (we give them clear examples of 'our' creative thinking) and examples of others, as well as guide, coach, and inspire them.
All this is easier said than done because not all supervisors and trainers are 'creative' themselves, or capable of leading and inspiring.It is not only a matter of quality, but intelligence, sensitivity to others, experience, and sawy.
This is why we should always focus on training and coaching supervisors (and trainers). Their performance in this area does not depend on their reading, nor on college degrees. It is much more refined. We are asking one person to affect the mind and innermost soul of others.
Such supervisors and trainers must not only be intelligent and sensitive, but have a sincere desire to help others succeed. They must not be driven by personal agendas and selfish interests.
This is why it is so important to choose trainers and supervisors most carefully and, once hired and/or promoted, to offer them full training support, whatever the cost. It is always wiser to promote 'after' such training will have been provided.
Believe it or not, I wrote the above on a pad while sitting at a coffee house on the beautiful Vancouver beach front yesterday. Wish you were all here so we could discuss the points made.
One thing more, which needs to be said again: Employees are not robots we can command with pushbuttons. They are led by generals (supervisors) . We must concentrate on supervisors before demanding a certain behaviour from the rank and file.
This question is a 'poser'! Throughout my life, I never thought for one minute that one could 'train' people to be motivated, positive, kind, polite, respectful, creative, innovative, and so forth. These are intrinsic qualities people have or do not have.
Sometimes, it is qualities they did acquire throughout their life due to circumstances, environment, and experiences, but it usually takes them many years to acquire, if these are not part of their nature and early upbringing.
One can teach them to 'demonstrate' kindness, politeness, and respect, and maybe pretend to be creative and innovative (by stealing other's ideas). We must always remember that we train people to have them perform a task or demonstrate a certain behavior. If they 'demonstrate' a behaviour this does not mean that this is part of their nature, nor of their psyche. However, based on my personal experience with others, whether in private life or as trainer, instructor, coach, or consultant, I discovered that some people do have such qualities which they 'stifled' due to difficult circumstances, never daring to bring them out in the open.
Through guidance, coaching, and leadership, we can indeed impact others in such a manner as to encourage them to bring to the surface and to outer expression the gifts they were born with, to use and develop their potential. We can gently get them to shed off their protective shell and amorphous personas with stimulus and courage, and let the juices of creativity flow. We can help them realize their value as 'intelligent' human beings, who can contribute something uniquely theirs.
We coach, guide, and lead by example, prod and encourage, offer support, open the doors to what's possible, and we give easy to understand examples.
After preparing this creative setting, and sharing with them personal examples, as well as the examples of others (individuals, groups, and companies), we begin bringing back the subject to our immediate interest: the organization and our area of work.
We select (for discussion) one or two facets of the operation. We analyze these, with input from the group. We ask if the status quo is the best way it can be done or if the organization, or 'we people', can improve on this.
We (trainers, facilitators) present at least two different proposed improvements, and ask the group to join in and suggest alternatives no one maybe yet thought of (way to improve service, operations, work procedures, product quality, customer satisfaction, sales, savings, or profit).
We, ourselves, speak with excitement, so we can communicate it to the group. We treat the people we speak to with respect and as equals. We create an environment in which 'we all', as a team, plan to find better solutions.
We begin seeing their interest perk up, their eyes sparkle. We can almost see many thoughts racing through their minds. We ask a few, by name, to share their thoughts with us.
Once we break the ice with one, two, or three, of the group, and get them to present ideas, we sense that all the rest now want to pitch in. Sometimes, we cannot contain the rush of thoughts and have to begin establishing some order. When individuals propose something, we ask the group what they think and who is ready to comment on this proposal. We ask who else has a proposal 'we can learn from'. We get a dynamic discussion going.
From 'presenter' we now turn into 'facilitator' and 'leader'. Each suggested proposal is given importance, analyzed by the group to see if it indeed offers additional value to the operation and/or to customers.
We sense the excitement and high motivation in the group. We go one step further and ask someone to come to the whiteboard (or flipchart) to write down the different ideas presented.
We regularly express our appreciation for their contributions. We wonder aloud at their creative thinking. We ask them how all these valuable ideas could be practically implemented.
We gently make sure that whoever speaks is not interrupted or derided by others, however impractical the idea presented. We (ourselves) find value in each contribution. We engage people in a respectful conversation about their idea(s).
In such a session, we turn a roomful of listless and cynical supervisors (and/or employees) into a highly motivated and creative team, working towards one objective: How to come up with ideas to improve operations, the organization, service, etc.
Please note that this is 'not' a training session to teach creativity, but is a dynamic exercise in creative thinking, which we, ourselves, lead like a maestro. The participants are the members of the orchestra who will realize the 'production' we want.
In such sessions, we often discover ideas we and all of management never thought of. Participants too are amazed at their individual gifts and collective power of thought. It gets them excited. It also give them the opportunity to demonstrate their value as individuals and be acknowledged for this.
Following such a session, we continue receiving more ideas from the individuals in our group. We can keep this up we honestly discuss the feasibility and practicality of each idea presented, explaining why some cannot be implemented. We critique, but do not criticize.
We have to show that we did take their contribution into serious consideration, and appreciate it sincerely.
The purpose is not only to create a dynamic discussion, but to follow through on this. It must have meaning which relates to them.
I cannot think of any other way to lead people to think creatively. If you do, please share with me, but make sure it is based on actual, successful experience.
We cannot 'train' people to be creative. We can only lead them by personal example (we give them clear examples of 'our' creative thinking) and examples of others, as well as guide, coach, and inspire them.
All this is easier said than done because not all supervisors and trainers are 'creative' themselves, or capable of leading and inspiring.It is not only a matter of quality, but intelligence, sensitivity to others, experience, and sawy.
This is why we should always focus on training and coaching supervisors (and trainers). Their performance in this area does not depend on their reading, nor on college degrees. It is much more refined. We are asking one person to affect the mind and innermost soul of others.
Such supervisors and trainers must not only be intelligent and sensitive, but have a sincere desire to help others succeed. They must not be driven by personal agendas and selfish interests.
This is why it is so important to choose trainers and supervisors most carefully and, once hired and/or promoted, to offer them full training support, whatever the cost. It is always wiser to promote 'after' such training will have been provided.
Believe it or not, I wrote the above on a pad while sitting at a coffee house on the beautiful Vancouver beach front yesterday. Wish you were all here so we could discuss the points made.
One thing more, which needs to be said again: Employees are not robots we can command with pushbuttons. They are led by generals (supervisors) . We must concentrate on supervisors before demanding a certain behaviour from the rank and file.
Top 60 soft skills
A governing body based in the US, conducted a survey recently. The results of the survey was called the Workforce Profile which found an across-the-board unanimous profile of skills and characteristics needed to make a good employee. The people most likely to be hired for available jobs have what employers call "soft skills".
The most common traits, mentioned by virtually every employer, were:
1. Positive work ethic.
2. Good attitude.
3. Desire to learn and be trained.
Most of the business leaders observed that they could find workers who have "hard skills" i.e. the capability to operate machinery or fulfill other tasks, but many potential hires lack the "soft skills" that a company needs.
Top 60 soft skills
They are applicable to any field of work, according to the study, and are the "personal traits and skills that employers state are the most important when selecting employees for jobs of any type."
1. Math.
2. Safety.
3. Courtesy.
4. Honesty.
5. Grammar.
6. Reliability.
7. Flexibility.
8. Team skills.
9. Eye contact.
10. Cooperation.
11. Adaptability.
12. Follow rules.
13. Self-directed.
14. Good attitude.
15. Writing skills.
16. Driver's license.
17. Dependability.
18. Advanced math.
19. Self-supervising.
20. Good references.
21. Being drug free.
22. Good attendance.
23. Personal energy.
24. Work experience.
25. Ability to measure.
26. Personal integrity.
27. Good work history.
28. Positive work ethic.
29. Interpersonal skills.
30. Motivational skills.
31. Valuing education.
32. Personal chemistry.
33. Willingness to learn.
34. Common sense.
35. Critical thinking skills.
36. Knowledge of fractions.
37. Reporting to work on time.
38. Use of rulers and calculators.
39. Good personal appearance.
40. Wanting to do a good job.
41. Basic spelling and grammar.
42. Reading and comprehension.
43. Ability to follow regulations.
44. Willingness to be accountable.
45. Ability to fill out a job application.
46. Ability to make production quotas.
47. Basic manufacturing skills training.
48. Awareness of how business works.
49. Staying on the job until it is finished.
50. Ability to read and follow instructions.
51. Willingness to work second and third shifts.
52. Caring about seeing the company succeed.
53. Understanding what the world is all about.
54. Ability to listen and document what you have heard.
55. Commitment to continued training and learning.
56. Willingness to take instruction and responsibility.
57. Ability to relate to coworkers in a close environment.
58. Not expecting to become a supervisor in the first six months.
59. Willingness to be a good worker and go beyond the traditional eight-hour day.
60. Communication skills with public, fellow employees, supervisors, and customers.
The most common traits, mentioned by virtually every employer, were:
1. Positive work ethic.
2. Good attitude.
3. Desire to learn and be trained.
Most of the business leaders observed that they could find workers who have "hard skills" i.e. the capability to operate machinery or fulfill other tasks, but many potential hires lack the "soft skills" that a company needs.
Top 60 soft skills
They are applicable to any field of work, according to the study, and are the "personal traits and skills that employers state are the most important when selecting employees for jobs of any type."
1. Math.
2. Safety.
3. Courtesy.
4. Honesty.
5. Grammar.
6. Reliability.
7. Flexibility.
8. Team skills.
9. Eye contact.
10. Cooperation.
11. Adaptability.
12. Follow rules.
13. Self-directed.
14. Good attitude.
15. Writing skills.
16. Driver's license.
17. Dependability.
18. Advanced math.
19. Self-supervising.
20. Good references.
21. Being drug free.
22. Good attendance.
23. Personal energy.
24. Work experience.
25. Ability to measure.
26. Personal integrity.
27. Good work history.
28. Positive work ethic.
29. Interpersonal skills.
30. Motivational skills.
31. Valuing education.
32. Personal chemistry.
33. Willingness to learn.
34. Common sense.
35. Critical thinking skills.
36. Knowledge of fractions.
37. Reporting to work on time.
38. Use of rulers and calculators.
39. Good personal appearance.
40. Wanting to do a good job.
41. Basic spelling and grammar.
42. Reading and comprehension.
43. Ability to follow regulations.
44. Willingness to be accountable.
45. Ability to fill out a job application.
46. Ability to make production quotas.
47. Basic manufacturing skills training.
48. Awareness of how business works.
49. Staying on the job until it is finished.
50. Ability to read and follow instructions.
51. Willingness to work second and third shifts.
52. Caring about seeing the company succeed.
53. Understanding what the world is all about.
54. Ability to listen and document what you have heard.
55. Commitment to continued training and learning.
56. Willingness to take instruction and responsibility.
57. Ability to relate to coworkers in a close environment.
58. Not expecting to become a supervisor in the first six months.
59. Willingness to be a good worker and go beyond the traditional eight-hour day.
60. Communication skills with public, fellow employees, supervisors, and customers.
The Value of Hiring
The Value of Hiring from Within the Company
When the time comes to fill an open position within your company, one of the most cost-effective and practical methods you can use is to hire a candidate from within the current employee pool. In many cases, there are employees already working for you who are well qualified to fill your new employment openings. Look around - the perfect person for the job may be right before your eyes!
You can start by making sure to communicate with your entire staff when a position is opening up, and let people know that the company is open to considering current employees for the position. Depending on the size of your business, you can ask the HR department to review the skills and qualifications of people who are already employed by the company to see if there are "hidden talents" among the staff. Existing employees generally require less training than new hires do, and a current employee brings a wealth of company experience and knowledge to the job. Hiring a current employee ensures that your "new hire" will already be familiar with the company's policies and business goals. In addition, hiring from within the company can save you a good deal of money just on recruiting costs alone.
When a company hires from within, it has the advantage of being familiar with the employee. Having already evaluated the person's strengths and weaknesses while on the job (and having observed him or her in action over the years), employers are in a better position to know if the employee will be a good fit or not. When hiring from outside the company, however, there is always the risk that someone who appears ideal during the interviewing process will prove a poor fit once on the job.
If the employee is looking for a position that is a step up from his or her current one but still in the same department or general area, the switch will be a relatively painless one. If an employee is looking to make a more significant change - changing the course of their career path by switching to a completely different department and different type of job, for example - then while there may be a learning curve to deal with during the transition, you illustrate your company's commitment to employee development by allowing your staff member to learn while on the job.
A company that demonstrates a policy of hiring from within also fosters greater employee loyalty, which can have concrete benefits throughout the company. Employees at all levels are more likely to challenge themselves when they know that there is potential for future job advancement within the firm. This means a lower employee turnover rate and a higher job-satisfaction rate, both of which are always good for business.
When the time comes to fill an open position within your company, one of the most cost-effective and practical methods you can use is to hire a candidate from within the current employee pool. In many cases, there are employees already working for you who are well qualified to fill your new employment openings. Look around - the perfect person for the job may be right before your eyes!
You can start by making sure to communicate with your entire staff when a position is opening up, and let people know that the company is open to considering current employees for the position. Depending on the size of your business, you can ask the HR department to review the skills and qualifications of people who are already employed by the company to see if there are "hidden talents" among the staff. Existing employees generally require less training than new hires do, and a current employee brings a wealth of company experience and knowledge to the job. Hiring a current employee ensures that your "new hire" will already be familiar with the company's policies and business goals. In addition, hiring from within the company can save you a good deal of money just on recruiting costs alone.
When a company hires from within, it has the advantage of being familiar with the employee. Having already evaluated the person's strengths and weaknesses while on the job (and having observed him or her in action over the years), employers are in a better position to know if the employee will be a good fit or not. When hiring from outside the company, however, there is always the risk that someone who appears ideal during the interviewing process will prove a poor fit once on the job.
If the employee is looking for a position that is a step up from his or her current one but still in the same department or general area, the switch will be a relatively painless one. If an employee is looking to make a more significant change - changing the course of their career path by switching to a completely different department and different type of job, for example - then while there may be a learning curve to deal with during the transition, you illustrate your company's commitment to employee development by allowing your staff member to learn while on the job.
A company that demonstrates a policy of hiring from within also fosters greater employee loyalty, which can have concrete benefits throughout the company. Employees at all levels are more likely to challenge themselves when they know that there is potential for future job advancement within the firm. This means a lower employee turnover rate and a higher job-satisfaction rate, both of which are always good for business.
Writing Tips
Writing Tips and Strategies
1. Keep It Focused and Businesslike
A resume should be specific and all business. Don't try to be too smart or too cute. After all, you are asking an employer to invest significant time and money by choosing you over many other similarly qualified people. Employers mainly want to know whether you are appropriately qualified and experienced, and if you have the ability to "deliver the goods."
2. More Than Two Pages Is Too Much
For students, recent graduates, or people with just a few years of experience, try to keep your resume to one page,two as an absolute maximum. Even a resume for someone with20 years or more of extensive working experience, should not exceed three pages. In some cases, one or two "optional"pages can be referred to as "available upon request." These would be such optional annexes as a list of references or an inventory of recent projects and/or publications.
3. Get The Words and Punctuation Right
Make sure the grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your resume are perfect. Any obvious mistakes will hurt your credibility. Also, be sure to keep the language clear and simple. If you draft it yourself, have someone with excellent writing skills do an editorial review and a careful proofread of it. If a professional prepares it for you, such reviews are the responsibility of the resume preparation firm. Use an accepted English language "style guide" if you want to be sure of the finer points of word usage, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviations, etc.
4. Read Between The Lines
Customize the resume to match the stated requirements of the job that you are applying for, without being misleading.Review and analyze the job advertisement carefully. Look for and itemize the key qualifications, skills, and abilities the employer is seeking. Then identify certain key words that are usually repeated in such ads. Make sure that the wording and sequence of points in your resume reflect and address these "corporate terminologies" and"code words" as much as possible. When possible, study the company's annual report and Web site, and weave the themes and terms found there into your resume and cover letter.
5. Make Sure It Looks Good
Use a crisp, clean, simple presentation format for a professional looking resume. Just a bit of simple line work and/or shading, done with standard word processing software will do the trick. If you don't have the aptitude for this,there is most likely someone among your friends or in your office who can help you achieve a professional presentation.If not, seek professional advice. It won't cost much for a good simple layout, but it will make a world of difference to the product.
6. Show What You Can Do Today
Focus, first and foremost, on your recent experience that is most relevant to the position at hand. Less relevant and/or dated experience should be either eliminated or summarized in brief point form near the end of your resume.When reviewing your resume information, a prospective employer wants to know what you are doing now, what you have done recently, and how that relates to the job requirements of the post they are trying to fill.
7. Be A Straight-Shooter
Be completely honest. When people lie or "creatively exaggerate" on their resume, they are almost invariably exposed, sooner or later. Think about it - who really wants to get a job based on a lie(s) and then have to live in fear of eventually being found out? We often read in the newspaper about high-profile folks who get caught in are sume falsehood or exaggeration, and it isn't very pretty.
8. Follow The Instructions
Submit your resume in exactly the form that the prospective employer requests. If they say e-mail or fax is okay, do it that way. However, if they ask for it by regular mail, send it the way they ask. They must have reasons for requesting it in such a form and they are geared up to process it that way. If your resume is to be sent by snail mail, use the complete address that they specify, or it could go to the wrong office, especially in a large organization.
9. Don't Get Lost In The Mail
Be careful to respect certain conventions that the potential employer may require in your resume. For example, make sure that the cover letter mentions the exact name of the specific position you are applying for, and the competition number, if applicable. Sometimes an employer will request that the job title and/or number be printed on the outside of the envelope. You would not want to miss out on a job because you didn't follow minor administrative requirements.
10. Keep The Cover Short and Focused
In the cover letter, don't repeat what is already detailed in the body of the attached resume. It is a "cover" letter.It should be short and to the point. Introduce yourself first, and then briefly summarize why you believe that you have the qualifications and experience to fulfill the duties of the position better than anyone else. Express enthusiasm about the job and the company. Close by stating how you are looking forward to hearing more from them soon,and that you will follow-up if necessary.
1. Keep It Focused and Businesslike
A resume should be specific and all business. Don't try to be too smart or too cute. After all, you are asking an employer to invest significant time and money by choosing you over many other similarly qualified people. Employers mainly want to know whether you are appropriately qualified and experienced, and if you have the ability to "deliver the goods."
2. More Than Two Pages Is Too Much
For students, recent graduates, or people with just a few years of experience, try to keep your resume to one page,two as an absolute maximum. Even a resume for someone with20 years or more of extensive working experience, should not exceed three pages. In some cases, one or two "optional"pages can be referred to as "available upon request." These would be such optional annexes as a list of references or an inventory of recent projects and/or publications.
3. Get The Words and Punctuation Right
Make sure the grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your resume are perfect. Any obvious mistakes will hurt your credibility. Also, be sure to keep the language clear and simple. If you draft it yourself, have someone with excellent writing skills do an editorial review and a careful proofread of it. If a professional prepares it for you, such reviews are the responsibility of the resume preparation firm. Use an accepted English language "style guide" if you want to be sure of the finer points of word usage, punctuation, capitalization, abbreviations, etc.
4. Read Between The Lines
Customize the resume to match the stated requirements of the job that you are applying for, without being misleading.Review and analyze the job advertisement carefully. Look for and itemize the key qualifications, skills, and abilities the employer is seeking. Then identify certain key words that are usually repeated in such ads. Make sure that the wording and sequence of points in your resume reflect and address these "corporate terminologies" and"code words" as much as possible. When possible, study the company's annual report and Web site, and weave the themes and terms found there into your resume and cover letter.
5. Make Sure It Looks Good
Use a crisp, clean, simple presentation format for a professional looking resume. Just a bit of simple line work and/or shading, done with standard word processing software will do the trick. If you don't have the aptitude for this,there is most likely someone among your friends or in your office who can help you achieve a professional presentation.If not, seek professional advice. It won't cost much for a good simple layout, but it will make a world of difference to the product.
6. Show What You Can Do Today
Focus, first and foremost, on your recent experience that is most relevant to the position at hand. Less relevant and/or dated experience should be either eliminated or summarized in brief point form near the end of your resume.When reviewing your resume information, a prospective employer wants to know what you are doing now, what you have done recently, and how that relates to the job requirements of the post they are trying to fill.
7. Be A Straight-Shooter
Be completely honest. When people lie or "creatively exaggerate" on their resume, they are almost invariably exposed, sooner or later. Think about it - who really wants to get a job based on a lie(s) and then have to live in fear of eventually being found out? We often read in the newspaper about high-profile folks who get caught in are sume falsehood or exaggeration, and it isn't very pretty.
8. Follow The Instructions
Submit your resume in exactly the form that the prospective employer requests. If they say e-mail or fax is okay, do it that way. However, if they ask for it by regular mail, send it the way they ask. They must have reasons for requesting it in such a form and they are geared up to process it that way. If your resume is to be sent by snail mail, use the complete address that they specify, or it could go to the wrong office, especially in a large organization.
9. Don't Get Lost In The Mail
Be careful to respect certain conventions that the potential employer may require in your resume. For example, make sure that the cover letter mentions the exact name of the specific position you are applying for, and the competition number, if applicable. Sometimes an employer will request that the job title and/or number be printed on the outside of the envelope. You would not want to miss out on a job because you didn't follow minor administrative requirements.
10. Keep The Cover Short and Focused
In the cover letter, don't repeat what is already detailed in the body of the attached resume. It is a "cover" letter.It should be short and to the point. Introduce yourself first, and then briefly summarize why you believe that you have the qualifications and experience to fulfill the duties of the position better than anyone else. Express enthusiasm about the job and the company. Close by stating how you are looking forward to hearing more from them soon,and that you will follow-up if necessary.
Corporate skills
These are generally CEO level skills, but if you are familiar with them you will be in a position to guide your boss towards success ie working together for a common goal as a team. You can become a courageous follower as mentioned by Ira Chaleff in his award-winning book Courageous Follower: Standing Up To and For Our Leaders.
These skills include:
~ Political sensitivity.
~ Business and commercial awareness.
~ Strategic awareness.
~ Understanding funding streams and mechanisms.
~ Information management.
~ Organisation and control.
~ Team building.
~ Communication and persuasion.
~ Networking and public relations.
~ Leading change.
• Must-read: Annoying your colleagues at work?
Employability skills
These have to be mastered by employable graduates and freshers include communication, team working, leadership, initiative, problem solving, flexibility and enthusiasm.
Every skill helps us to learn one more as they overlap each other.
To quote an example, leadership encompasses a number of other skills including cooperating with others, planning and organising, making decisions and verbal communication. Verbal communication itself involves various means of communication, some of which you may find easier than others -- talking over the phone, making a presentation to a group, explaining something to a person with a more limited understanding of the topic for example.
By improving one skill, you may also improve a number of others. In the context of your career planning and development, they are called career management skills
Life skills
These skills are related to the head, heart, hands and health ie highly personal and behavioural skills which reflects our personality and naturally helps in personality development.
We manage and think with our head. Resilience, keeping records, making wise use of resources, planning/organising and goal setting are 'head' related managerial functions. Service learning, Critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and learning to learn were related to our thinking processes, which we manage with our head.
Functions of the heart are relating to people and caring. How do we relate to people? We relate to people by accepting differences, conflict resolutions, social skills, cooperation and communication. The second function we do through our heart is caring. We care through nurturing relationships, sharing, empathy and concern for others.
We give and work through our hands. Community service, volunteering, leadership, responsible citizenship and contributions to group effort -- are our way giving back to society. We work through our marketable skills, teamwork and self-motivation to get the things done.
Living and being comes under the functions of health. Healthy lifestyle choices, stress management, disease prevention and personal safety are our prime concerns for better living. Self-esteem, self-responsibility, character, managing feelings and self-discipline must be practiced without fail for our well-being. In a nutshell, the essence of life skills is share well, care well and fare well.
Things to do everyday
Follow these ten golden rules and enjoy every moment of living.
~ Greet your family members first thing in the morning. If you are not used to this, they will be surprised with your sudden and nice gesture.
~ Greet your peers, subordinates and boss once you enter the office. Smile at even the 'security' personnel standing at the gate, who takes care of your safety.
~ Greet your friends along the way and do not ignore them.
~ Continously reciprocate to breed communication. If you do not reciprocate at least with a 'thanks' when you get information or a source on your online network or your offline network, you will not be remembered for a long time. If you are not remembered, you are out of your network.
~ Be a proactive listener and empathise with others to command respect.
~ While talking to others, your voice, tone and tenor must be audible and soothing. It should not be aggressive or in a shouting mode.
~ Dress well to suit your profession and to create positive vibes in your workplace. If you are a sales representative, do not go out with printed shirts and jeans, which may turn down your customer.
~ Political and religious comments must be avoided at all costs in the workplace, when you are in a group.
~ Your communication should not provoke others.
~ Do not speak ill of others if you can help it.
These skills include:
~ Political sensitivity.
~ Business and commercial awareness.
~ Strategic awareness.
~ Understanding funding streams and mechanisms.
~ Information management.
~ Organisation and control.
~ Team building.
~ Communication and persuasion.
~ Networking and public relations.
~ Leading change.
• Must-read: Annoying your colleagues at work?
Employability skills
These have to be mastered by employable graduates and freshers include communication, team working, leadership, initiative, problem solving, flexibility and enthusiasm.
Every skill helps us to learn one more as they overlap each other.
To quote an example, leadership encompasses a number of other skills including cooperating with others, planning and organising, making decisions and verbal communication. Verbal communication itself involves various means of communication, some of which you may find easier than others -- talking over the phone, making a presentation to a group, explaining something to a person with a more limited understanding of the topic for example.
By improving one skill, you may also improve a number of others. In the context of your career planning and development, they are called career management skills
Life skills
These skills are related to the head, heart, hands and health ie highly personal and behavioural skills which reflects our personality and naturally helps in personality development.
We manage and think with our head. Resilience, keeping records, making wise use of resources, planning/organising and goal setting are 'head' related managerial functions. Service learning, Critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and learning to learn were related to our thinking processes, which we manage with our head.
Functions of the heart are relating to people and caring. How do we relate to people? We relate to people by accepting differences, conflict resolutions, social skills, cooperation and communication. The second function we do through our heart is caring. We care through nurturing relationships, sharing, empathy and concern for others.
We give and work through our hands. Community service, volunteering, leadership, responsible citizenship and contributions to group effort -- are our way giving back to society. We work through our marketable skills, teamwork and self-motivation to get the things done.
Living and being comes under the functions of health. Healthy lifestyle choices, stress management, disease prevention and personal safety are our prime concerns for better living. Self-esteem, self-responsibility, character, managing feelings and self-discipline must be practiced without fail for our well-being. In a nutshell, the essence of life skills is share well, care well and fare well.
Things to do everyday
Follow these ten golden rules and enjoy every moment of living.
~ Greet your family members first thing in the morning. If you are not used to this, they will be surprised with your sudden and nice gesture.
~ Greet your peers, subordinates and boss once you enter the office. Smile at even the 'security' personnel standing at the gate, who takes care of your safety.
~ Greet your friends along the way and do not ignore them.
~ Continously reciprocate to breed communication. If you do not reciprocate at least with a 'thanks' when you get information or a source on your online network or your offline network, you will not be remembered for a long time. If you are not remembered, you are out of your network.
~ Be a proactive listener and empathise with others to command respect.
~ While talking to others, your voice, tone and tenor must be audible and soothing. It should not be aggressive or in a shouting mode.
~ Dress well to suit your profession and to create positive vibes in your workplace. If you are a sales representative, do not go out with printed shirts and jeans, which may turn down your customer.
~ Political and religious comments must be avoided at all costs in the workplace, when you are in a group.
~ Your communication should not provoke others.
~ Do not speak ill of others if you can help it.
Soft Skills

Soft skills is a sociological term for a person's "EQ" (Emotional Intelligence Quotient), which refers to the cluster of personality traits, social graces, communication, ability with language, personal habits, friendliness, and optimism that mark people to varying degrees. Soft skills complement hard skills (part of a person's IQ), which are the technical requirements of a job.
A person's soft skill EQ can also be an important part of the success of an organization. Organizations, particularly those frequently dealing with customers face-to-face, are generally more prosperous if they train their staff to use these skills. Screening or training for personal habits or traits such as dependability and conscientiouness can yield significant return on investment for an organization. [1] For this reason, soft skills are increasingly sought out by employers in addition to standard qualifications.
It has been suggested that in a number of professions soft skills are more important over the long term than technical skills, for example in the legal profession where the ability to deal with people effectively and politely can determine the professional success of a lawyer more than his or her mere technical skills.
Subjects like financial management, marketing management, HR management can be taught in the classroom and can be studied at home. But not soft skills. Soft skills are acquired and experienced on the spot and cannot be developed by merely reading textbooks. The soft skills you gain will equip you to excel in your professional life and in your personal life. It is a continuous learning process.
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